Need to be able to change date and time on win 10

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New Jersey
I just updated a couple workstations from Windows 7 to windows 10. And change the date and time is not allowed now it seems on windows 10, as the domain is controlling it (they are grayed out). I followed every article I can find on changing group policy etc and none help, either on the Server or the workstation.

I logged on to the workstation as administrator and still can't change the date and time.

They need this feature because its a jewelry store and they write paper tickets, and then at the end of the week go back into their POS to enter the tickets. I reached out to their vendor to see how the software can work around this but I don't expect much as the Vendor about a year ago gave them the ability to void sales tickets (he said the store shouldn't be allowing this as sales people can pocket cash)...

CRAP believe it or not I can change it if I go to Control panel, and select Date and time. Can you believe that?
he said the store shouldn't be allowing this as sales people can pocket cash

And he's absolutely right! It's also possible that the business owner is running some kind of fiddle, but however you look at it you're being asked to help your client enter fraudulent incorrect information into their sales records.

Are you sure you want to be part of this?

Someone at Microsoft needs their hands stapled for not putting that int he GUI, or making it the default configuration for the system after being promoted to a domain controller. Because you're right, if you don't do that on the DC and remember to disable time services from the host if that DC is a guest... you're in for a ROUGH RIDE.