Need some more eyes on my website, please! (New site, sanity check!)


Well-Known Member
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Richmond, VA
Hello fellow nibblers... Well, after like 9 years, I have finally completed my website redesign. I'm really happy with how it came out, but I need a sanity check as my eyes have glossed over for 3 weeks now.

Any souls that could check over my site and report back any errors, broken buttons or other issues (and general feedback!) - would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Only saw one minor glitch. This section in the Managed Services drop down has the zip code on the wrong line.

It is overlapping "North". It is in the location box near the bottom of the page. Other than that, the site looks great !!

9201 Redington Drive

North Chesterfield, Virginia 23235
Looks very nice - well done.
  • I like the logo - crisp and modern
  • I love that closeup shot of the Ubiquiti stack - appeals to the geek in me (not sure how that translates for potential customers, but I like it)
  • Site seems responsive
  • Didn't see any spelling mistakes
  • Nice, wide range of services
  • Feels "complete" - none of the links took me to a place where I wasn't sure what to do next.
On the other hand...
  • The church picture looks out of place - maybe replace that with a shot of their technology or something. I guess it says "I work with churches", or "I go to church". Not sure, it just doesn't seem to fit with the other pictures.
  • The Google image looks out of place because it is a white background while the rest of your site uses dark background. It does make it stand out, though.
  • On your 'backup' page, not sure from the wording why someone would choose "important files" over "all files". The distinction isn't clear.
  • Same page, the verbiage under Cryptovirus Protection is just awkward. Something something dangling participle something preposition something. I know you are limited by space, but it seems over edited.
  • Don't see any mention of Apple, maybe not important, just something I noticed.
Edit: Well, duh - your company name does say "PC Support". Guess you can ignore this bullet! :)
  • Depending on the image you are wanting to project, I might have chosen a picture with a dressier, logo shirt.
  • Do you do server work?
  • I assume you got permission from the testimonial folks - I think I would still abbreviate their last name. "Rachel S." "George F." Unless they are famous, then go for it!
  • I didn't see any mention of wifi troubles or solutions.
  • Is it just you or do you have employees? If the latter, get them in a photo somewhere!
  • If that Bimmer in your TN avatar is really yours, you could consider a shot of that somewhere - if you are targeting the affluent, it might work. If you're serving a wider socioeconomic range, then no - too risky & classist.
  • MSP prices don't say "per computer" - maybe that's implied.
  • MSP plan differences seem about right to steer most folks into the middle plan. Realistically, though, withholding remote support from any of the plans seems dumb. You don't want to roll out to every customer on the bottom plan, do you?
That's all I got. Looks very nice - good job!
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Like all modern website templates, it looks nice but it's very impractical. It makes your visitors have to scroll a bunch just to find basic information.

The whole website feels very generic and not techy at all. It could be a website advertising law services and you wouldn't have to change much to make it work. I mean, why the heck do you have skyscrapers as a background on your contact page? Why do you have to scroll 15 times to actually get to the contact box?

Your phone number/contact box should be visible at all times on your website. People shouldn't have to hunt around and scroll through a bunch of BS to find your contact info.

Remember, the primary purpose of your website is to generate leads/calls. It's 2021. Nobody has the patience to read paragraphs of BS and scroll around aimlessly trying to find information. I wish I could show you my website because it has an INSANE conversion rate. Nearly 50% of the people who end up on my website call me or fill out my contact form.

On my homepage I have:

Decorative banner
Search bar
Phone #
Introduction Video
Short list of services
A few reviews/testimonials
A short blurb "about us"
List of 5x laptops for sale with "see more" link
List of 5x desktops for sale with "see more" link

You only have to scroll 3x times to reach the bottom of the page. My bounce rate is quite high because you can find everything you need on one page (at least everything you need in order to make a decision to call me or not).

People don't go to your website to be wowed by flashy animations or because they think it's so fun. Don't get me wrong, looks are important, but providing a good user experience and converting your visitors into customers should be your primary concern.
Thanks everyone! Awesome feedback!

@Dave 1973 Thanks for catching that - looks like a "responsive resolution-based" issue there, will shorten it up or change the line spacing or something.

@HCHTech Wowzers bud! Much appreciated. I agree with almost all of your feedback - you just became my punch list lol

@sapphirescales Thanks bud! I will look into adding some more contact info/boxes or moving them to a more top-end view. Maybe a small contact tagline under the, "always-present" menu logo?
Lol! The skyscrapers are iconic to Richmond, VA and are generally instantly recognizable to the yocal locals. Regardless, I do take the point - and you're right, that was 'more or less' a placeholder image until I found something better, thanks for the reminder!

I'm finding that most of my business now days is from searches right off of Google or other search engines. The bulk of my business never even lands on the website at all. For those that get farther than the Google maps listings, the page is there, hopefully full of the "extras" you didn't see in the google listing. That's the thought anyway. Time will tell!
do you make good money on mac repairs, if so I would have a heading for just them
Hello fellow nibblers... Well, after like 9 years, I have finally completed my website redesign. I'm really happy with how it came out, but I need a sanity check as my eyes have glossed over for 3 weeks now.

Any souls that could check over my site and report back any errors, broken buttons or other issues (and general feedback!) - would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!

I'll just pick on the little things cos that's the kind of guy I am :)

1. In the global footer, Accreditation's should not have an apostrophe.
2. PC Services -> Managed Services Save -> Needs a space between paragraphs. Check the block immediately below.
3. To the right of above Virus and Malware protection should be capital 'P' ?
4. I'm not convinced "3rd-party" should be hyphenated.

... more ...
We don't work on macs... don't get too many customers looking for it and the future of mac repairs is very dim, IMO.
Interesting. We started as regular pc repair but usually have 20 to 30 percent of jobs as macs. Maybe because we advertise their repair on our website?
Interesting. We started as regular pc repair but usually have 20 to 30 percent of jobs as macs. Maybe because we advertise their repair on our website?
Not sure, I know macs are out there but I believe that having two Apple stores close-by doesn't help things. I wrote a post about it last year - 2 or 3 mac repair shops have shut down due to lack of business or in the case of one, Apple didn't want to play ball with them anymore and requested that they build new locations and "glass boxes" of a store in order to keep ordering parts from them etc... gone.. after like 35 years.

Couple all of that with Apple now serializing all the parts to a particular laptop/serial# - forcing the use of Apple's own re-serializer/programmer for said parts... not too much future there unless it's on the software side, IMO.

All in all, we're always slammed with too much PC-only work as it is, so we generally don't deal with Macs or advertise it explicitly (Though we do accept them when asked - often only to turn them to an Apple store 10 minutes away)
@phaZed As someone who works on Macs a lot, you're not missing much. If you enjoy wasting hours and hours of your life for little return, then get into Mac repair! I just replaced a battery on a 2015 MacBook pro. You have to literally strip the Mac down to the last screw because you can't just replace the battery (it's glued in), you have to replace the battery + keyboard + trackpad + palm rest and re-built the ENTIRE computer from scratch around this part in order to replace the battery.

We're not an Apple authorized service provider (AASP) so we can't get parts from Apple. We have to buy third party. Not that it matters. A 2015 is "too old" for Apple to even repair or stock replacement parts for.

So anyway, I spend over an hour rebuilding this laptop from scratch and when I fire it up, the battery won't charge and under the status it says "Service Battery." F(@*%*@*# my life! Now I have to call the customer and explain that I bought a bum part. Assuming they're understanding about the whole thing, I then have to deal with returning this part, buying another one, and then doing the whole procedure again next week! If the customer isn't understanding, they'll just say forget it and I'll have sunk nearly 2 hours into this client for nothing.

On the flip side I also sold a desktop today for $2,000 to a business customer of mine. My cost was about $700. Total time invested: 1 hour. Unless I'm getting paid $1,000 to replace this MacBook Battery (spoiler alert: I'm not), it's just a waste of my freaking time compared to clients like this.

It's gotten to the point now where I don't want to actually fix Macs anymore. If someone comes in with a Mac, I'll try to sell them something else (another Mac or (preferably) a PC) with data transfer. I have good relationships with several vendors who can get me Macs. I think I'm just going to do Mac sales from now on. I have no desire to spend hours stripping laptops with teeny tiny screws and dealing with adhesive and BS. Pre-retina MacBooks were great but this new stuff is just garbage.