Need input


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Ok here goes... My PSU gave out. I replaced it. Now sometimes when I do a cold boot my BIOS gives a checksum error. I then have to go in and refind my drives and reset the time and date in windows. Battery low is another error I get with the bad checksum error. The thing is I replaced the battery soon after I replaced the PSU.
I emailed the BIOS manufacturer and they said flashing the bios might help, but basically do a process of elimination first. As in isolating the memory, use known good battery and so on.
What's the chances that I actually bought a bad battery? This would save much time in diagnosing huh? If I just tried a new batter again.
geez, I'd hate to flash the bios and really screw up, you know?
Any input?

I would try a new battary again.

Then you will know for sure if its your battery.

Like you say better to do that rather than flash it and really mess it up!

Have you tried reseting the cmos back to factory defaults should be a jumper on the board or button.

Good Luck :)
Thanks for the response

No I haven't reset the CMOS. I knew there had to be a way but didn't know it. I will have to look for the jumper. Thanks
Try downloading a motherboard manual from the motherboards manufacturers website. That should tell you where the jumper or button is.

If you dont know the make of board use something like AIDA32 to get the info.
Checksum errors are usually caused by either a dying bios battery or some bad configuration (caused by installing something new, something dying or even some viruses). Since you have already tried replacing the bios battery and this is intermittant (im assuming?). Go into your BIOS and load the default configuration. Give this a run for the usual time it takes for it to occur and see if it does it again.

If it does, start looking at your cables, expecially the IDE cables, are they seated properly? try reseating them. If it still happens, strip the computer down to only its barebones hardware (vid card, ram, cpu, hdd. be sure to unplug printers and such) and see if it happens again.

If it doesnt happen after stripping the PC down, try connecting up hardware one by one until it happens again, then you can pinpoint your culprit.