Mouse problems in Vista


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I know I have seen this problem before but I can't remember the specifics and was hoping to get some background on it before I go out tomorrow.

Its a Windows Vista system and no mouse will work on it. Last time I saw this happen it was a code 22 or something like that in the device manager. Does anyone have any information on this?
on the pm i sent you...that's kinda an all-round code for all versions of windows. you can get the same code for usb mouse, usb drives, blah, blah.'ll be in device manager to start, driver updates, uninstalling drivers...then start shooting hardware.

my two cents.

on the pm i sent you...that's kinda an all-round code for all versions of windows. you can get the same code for usb mouse, usb drives, blah, blah.'ll be in device manager to start, driver updates, uninstalling drivers...then start shooting hardware.

my two cents.


I don't know if thats the problem for sure, I haven't seen the computer yet but from what the customer explained I think thats what it is.

Staples said they tried another mouse and when that didn't work told the customer that he needed a N&P. The customer didn't like that answer so he called me.

Is the machine up to date? I recall there being an update that took out mice on a lot of Vista machines but this was some time ago. A quick search took me here.

It's a long shot but it might be worth looking into.
sounds like USB driver files maybe corrupted. have you checked if other USB are ok?

Try a live cd to make sure it's not hardware related.

Then I would try system restore to a earlier restore point, or system file checker.
It was a corrupted driver. I fixed it today.

I don't even bother with SFC because unless the customer has never updated its worthless and if you don't have the exact version windows disk with you theres nothing it can do.

I ended up just using system restore to fix it. Works great now and the customers happy and Staples looks stupid.

EDIT: BTW it was a code 19 not 22.

Its amazing searching Google about 99% of the suggestions where to N&P. I can't believe people are that lazy.
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Its amazing searching Google about 99% of the suggestions where to N&P. I can't believe people are that lazy.

True, I notice this a lot. Some local repair shops in my area (the larger ones) 'repair' most of the problems they run into by just doing a nuke & pave. Same lazyness: non-working machine are very often wrongly diagnosed with broken MB's. I've seen quite some of these machines come to life again after being properly diagnosed (by yours truly and befriended techies ofcourse .. lol ;) ) and repaired.
True, I notice this a lot. Some local repair shops in my area (the larger ones) 'repair' most of the problems they run into by just doing a nuke & pave. Same lazyness: non-working machine are very often wrongly diagnosed with broken MB's. I've seen quite some of these machines come to life again after being properly diagnosed (by yours truly and befriended techies ofcourse .. lol ;) ) and repaired.

I have seen this to.

I had one a while back that was diagnosed as having a bad mother board by the OEM as well as BB/GS. In both cases it was over the cost of a new system to fix. So they got a new computer from BB that was slower then the system they had. The system sat in the closet for a few months until they got my card. They called me wanting to know what it would cost to have a used mobo installed. I didn't work on the system for 5 minutes before it was posting. It was a bad stick of ram. Since it was running XP with 2Gb of ram I removed the bad 1Gb stick and left them with 1Gb and told them if they wanted to replace it to let me know. Better then that it was Kingston with a lifetime warranty so I just told them to get a hold of Kingston and have it replaced.

I don't know if these miss diagnostics are true errors or are out of plain greed. I have found being strait with a customer is a way better way to run a business. Next time these people or anyone they know has a problem who are they going to call? Me of course.
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glad I got the right solution.

Lazy people would prefer N&P because they can afford to lose some data and redo every customization they did. True techs would avoid that as much as they can.

Another phenomenon at my place is that a lot of the people SPECIFICALLY ask me to N&P. *gasp!!
glad I got the right solution.

Lazy people would prefer N&P because they can afford to lose some data and redo every customization they did. True techs would avoid that as much as they can.

Another phenomenon at my place is that a lot of the people SPECIFICALLY ask me to N&P. *gasp!!

I have had people ask for that to. I will do it if they really want. Most of the time its because they are re-purposing the computer. Maybe giving it to a relative of a child.