Mint 18.3 Updates


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Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
I have my update settings to show up to Level 4 updates. However I shy away from doing any kernel updates - if it ain't broke, don't "fix" it - is my feeling about updates.

Update Policy - Just keep my computer safe

Currently I have the following level 4 updates showing:

linux-firmware (new version) 1.157.14

Linux kernel (new version)

linux-libc-dev (new verson 4.4.0-103.126

Is it really safe to install these if I am not having any (known to me) difficulties?
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Kernel updates are important for security and bug fixes, so of course I keep them updated.
There has always been two camps in Linux - the ones that adopt the strategy "if it ain't broke - don't fix it" and the other who keep everything on the "cutting edge."
I've never had an issue with a kernel update, in fact I've never had an issue with any update in (any flavour of) Linux (apart from video drivers in Bodhi).
I've used Gentoo, OpenSuse, Bodhi, Ubuntu, Fedora, Crunchbang, Sabyon, Debian, and more but have settled on Mint across the board..
Granted that I don't screw with the settings in the Update Manager's preferences, apart from change the policy to "Always Update Everything" I leave it on Level 4.
I keep regular cloud and separate backups of my /home folder. I also like to backup /var, /bin and /etc just for giggles.
I think it all depends on your hardware. Im running a x1800 Ryzen and a RX480 on kernel 4.13 right now. Since its new hardware it would be your advantage to get the new kernels. Of course you can look at the release notes for the kernel and see if anything is pertaining to your hardware. If not then it really wouldnt hurt in that respect.

You can always boot into the last kernel version you used also at boot time. So, If you do have a issue then reboot and choose your other kernel then uninstall the new kernel.

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Well after doing a backup of my files I went ahead and installed the new kernel and its associated files.

So far, so good AND I don't really expect any problems with my setup.
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I saw the Intel Spectre patch go through on Mint today. Might have been waiting for awhile and I didn't see it.
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