Microsoft Edge is back!


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Adelaide, Australia
Walked into my office this morning and Windoze is nagging for a restart to install updates.
So thinking "I don't have time for this ****" I just go ahead and click restart.

A couple of minutes later PC is back up but I'm presented with this:


Yeah? Thanks Microsoft but no thanks!
Windows Start Menu has "Live Search" so why would anyone want this?

As soon as I click "undo" I get a popup telling me "We've just installed Microsoft Edge" with options to "Setup now" or "Later."

I completely removed their shitty browser some time ago but they seem to think I can't live without it.

I check the start menu for any other garbage they may have thought I couldn't live without and sure enough I find one called "Windows Backup."

So... not happy with me setting my privacy options to "GTFO mode" they want me to backup my entire PC to "the cloud" so they can sift through all my stuff?

Never gonna happen!

Took me about 5 minutes to remove Edge and Windows Backup, so we're back to normal.
I don't see the point in removing either Edge or Windows Backup, as they will show up again. Just don't use either and let them lie fallow. Trying to excise things that "ship with" Windows is, ultimately, an exercise in futility.
Wait till you click a link in an email using Outlook these days

Mind you, I have not removed Edge from Windows, and have Edge Dev as well, but when I click a link in Outlook 365, it opens in my default web browser, Vivaldi.

But I know that Windows had used components of IE for "non-web-browsing" functions under Windows itself so the same is very likely true of certain components of Edge.