Microsoft 365 users get workaround for ‘Something Went Wrong’ errors

You've gotta love, "Microsoft advises users experiencing issues opening Microsoft 365 apps to use the Outlook Web App (OWA) and Office web applications or mobile applications as a workaround."

But a workaround isn't a fix. Admittedly, right after that they give recommendations that *might* be a fix, but even that's iffy.

But a published workaround is better than nothing at all, but the "use the web apps" workaround kinda goes without saying, dontcha think? That's the first thing most would do in a pinch.
"Something went wrong" is usually a reboot and now it works problem.

If it's more than that, it's probably a format C: because you did something really stupid problem.

And the workaround is there to remind users they have many means to get at their stuff, and they need to stop being married to any single device. Which means they can cough up their "machine" to someone to get it fixed without losing productivity.

@britechguy Sadly... not true anywhere I've seen. People have to be reminded of the web apps almost daily.