[SOLVED] Macbook pro 2010 can't boot to anything


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Hi got in a old one, can't seem to get anything to boot from it holding option key it shows my techtool drive, selected it and it just got to the dreaded white screen. Disc warrior cd gets spit out. I pulled the drive and managed to copy her user folder, got the warning the drive needed to be formatted and reloaded, drive checked out ok physically. This a bad cpu? anything else I can do to get a diagnosis?
Have you tried booting up with an external drive with a known good Mac OS?
I can't get anything to boot at all, no recovery, usb with osx, nothing, I can see the boot drives when booting with the option key, can select one but then it acts like its going to boot (apple logo) then just goes white. I've noticed the screen at boot has tiny horizontal lines if thats any clue, when I boot to safe mode it goes to a solid blue screen too.
Is this a 15"? If so that has a graphics chip defect. It is easily fixable with a replacement capacitor and a hot air station
Is this a 15"? If so that has a graphics chip defect. It is easily fixable with a replacement capacitor and a hot air station

The fix on these was to reflow the gpu, I thought? This is the first time I've heard about a replacement capacitor. Do you have any further info, just for my curiousity?
If it is a 2011 it’s graphics cards issue well knowned
yup quick little google search confirms the defective gpu, thin lines, exactly what I was seeing!


  • bad.gpu.jpg
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you said 2010 in the title. That one has a completely fixable issue. It just has a bad capacitor that works with the graphics card. If the cap is replaced it is solid as a rock. The 2011 is just garbage and can't be fixed. Assuming a person had a $5000 bga rework station the chipsets are not available. Cooking(reballing) the GPU is not a fix and will just make it work temporarily.

Just curious, which model is it, 2010 or 2011?
you said 2010 in the title. That one has a completely fixable issue. It just has a bad capacitor that works with the graphics card. If the cap is replaced it is solid as a rock. The 2011 is just garbage and can't be fixed. Assuming a person had a $5000 bga rework station the chipsets are not available. Cooking(reballing) the GPU is not a fix and will just make it work temporarily.

Just curious, which model is it, 2010 or 2011?
It says 2010 on the bottom, but when I looked up the serial its https://everymac.com/systems/apple/...2-15-late-2011-unibody-thunderbolt-specs.html