Laptop/desktop info card design

Reaction score
(Call me Jacob)
I've been working on re-imaging the business and part of that is updating the info cards on the in-store computers that are for sale. going from this:

to this:

I can't upload the ODT file (libreoffice writter) so if you want a copy email and ill send ya the odt. Now off to re-write 31 labels... Tommorow ;)

Out of curiosity, what do your computer labels look like?
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Here is an example of what I used at my last place (which is now closed). We had the header and footer with company information/contact info. We kept copies for customers to take one with them if desired.

To help compare performance between different refurbs and new computers, I include the Passmark score on all printed material. Taken from Anyone can then see a massive difference between say an AMD A4 and an Intel i5. I also lookup the passmark score for others that customers are considering from the appliance chain store across the road. Then it's obvious that cheaper computers usually mean much slower performance.

I don't include GHz clockspeed because it's useless when comparing different CPU types and generations.
We just use Dymo label printers with address labels. Nothing fancy. Logo is blurred.

There are checkboxes there for computers that have issues (i.e. parts missing, things that don't work, etc.). I just slap one of these on the bottom right palm rest and call it a day. I should probably upgrade to something better but it works and it's how we've been doing things forever.
they're actually about the same
Your example actually shows why the overall Passmark score doesn't always tell the full story.

When you're comparing between such distant generations, it pays to check other details (also listed with the passmark) such as single thread rating. The i3 is a fair bit faster for single-threaded apps, which is most general use. Also, check out the TDP comparison!