Is W8.1 that much more secure than W7?

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I hate reading your posts sometimes. YOUR logic button is busted. Thats the nicest way I could think to word it. I'm sorry but someone had to say it.

Not the first time I been told

I was simply using his own logic. He said OSX is only secure because its market share is so low. Meanwhile Win 8.1 has a much lower market share. By his own logic its only secure because very few people are using it. We can say that or we can say OSX is just more secure than Windows. You can't just make the market share argument only when its convenient for you. Pick one.
8.1 is more secure than 7 due to numerous security improvements
due to a smaller market share among Windows users.

(b) OSX is 10% and Win 8 is 5%.
The correct comparison is OSX 10% and Windows >90%.
Unlike Windows, there is further segmentation related to the OSX.
If you want to compare Win 8 alone (which is just a segment of Windows), you need to bring a segment of OSX; not the entire OSX.

I challenge you to send me a virus for OSX.
You can ask someone from a Security software vendor for Mac...
Not a list that someone made up of "malware" that MIGHT be able to infect the Mac if someone were stupid enough to manually install it.
Do you have a better OSX malware testing methodology to offer?
Now, you are questioning the Methodology of
and call them stupid; just like you called stupid the remarks of a distinguished Microsoft MVP alumni.

stupid this...stupid that...

-And all that from whom?

A home-based
small computer repair-shop
who runs a site and uploaded some YT video...:rolleyes:
8.1 is more secure than 7 due to numerous security improvements
due to a smaller market share among Windows users.

(b) OSX is 10% and Win 8 is 5%.
The correct comparison is OSX 10% and Windows >90%.
Unlike Windows, there is further segmentation related to the OSX.
If you want to compare Win 8 alone (which is just a segment of Windows), you need to bring a segment of OSX; not the entire OSX.

You can ask someone from a Security software vendor for Mac...
Do you have a better OSX malware testing methodology to offer?
Now, you are questioning the Methodology of
and call them stupid; just like you called stupid the remarks of a distinguished Microsoft MVP alumni.

stupid this...stupid that.

-And all that from whom?

A home-based
small computer repair-shop
who runs a site and uploaded some YT video...:rolleyes:

1. "due to security improvements AND market share" I'll give you that.

2. Because you cannot actually find a virus in the wild for OSX. Its that simple. All you have is theory and speculation (as well as a hate for Mac)

3. Flattery will get you nowhere. If you wish to worship the Microsoft gods be my guest. Its just a shame you can't seem to think for yourself and look around you. I'm happy with my little home based business that's almost all profit and almost no overhead or boss. At least I'm not just another blind parrot. I'm able to think for myself.
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Go to an AV software vendor like Kaspersky, Sophos etc. and ask for valid OSX malware.
They have plenty of them. All categorized by MD5 Hash etc.
I am sure they will be delighted to deal with such a great businessman
with almost all profit and almost no overhead or boss or almost...:rolleyes:

You can ask to offer you some OSX malware samples.
Don't forget to tell them that their Testing methodology is "stupid"...:rolleyes:
They will agree with you especially when you have Not presented any
better Methodology and Results! :D

Live your OSX blindness... Reality is, by far, different:
made it clear:

"XProtect is a list of blocked files and plug-ins that is maintained by Apple.
Even though this is not an antivirus or antimalware application, just a
blacklist called on by OSX when a file is opened,
I included it to show that
in the majority of the cases OSX does not protect you
Even in the few cases where a piece of malware is blocked
it usually takes Apple several weeks to block it,
leaving users plenty of time to get infected

If you had known how many spoiled children run malware-infected OSX systems,
you would have been more careful on what you wrote!
But that's too much to ask...
Go to an AV software vendor like Kaspersky, Sophos etc. and ask for valid OSX malware.
They have plenty of them. All categorized by MD5 Hash etc.
I am sure they will be delighted to deal with such a great businessman
with almost all profit and almost no overhead or boss or almost...:rolleyes:

You can ask to offer you some OSX malware samples.
Don't forget to tell them that their Testing methodology is "stupid"...:rolleyes:
They will agree with you especially when you have Not presented any
better Methodology and Results! :D

Live your OSX blindness... Reality is, by far, different:
made it clear:

"XProtect is a list of blocked files and plug-ins that is maintained by Apple.
Even though this is not an antivirus or antimalware application, just a
blacklist called on by OSX when a file is opened,
I included it to show that
in the majority of the cases OSX does not protect you
Even in the few cases where a piece of malware is blocked
it usually takes Apple several weeks to block it,
leaving users plenty of time to get infected

If you had known how many spoiled children run malware-infected OSX systems,
you would have been more careful on what you wrote!
But that's too much to ask...

I'm asking you! You seem so certain about it because you listen to the Microsoft nut huggers. So I want YOU to show me some viruses for my Mac. You can't because you can't find any. Your brain is having a hard time understanding how your role models have lied to you all these

I say almost no over head and almost all profit because I'm smart enough not to spend an extra $1,200 a month on a store front. The only real overhead I have are utilities and Ins. I like not having a boss. You on the other hand seem to need someone to tell you what to believe and most likely couldn't make it on your own.
I'm asking you!
I am Not an OSX expert like your highness...:rolleyes:
In fact, I do Not spend my $$$ to buy the MAC-CRAP!
IF I want a more secure OS, I will go for Linux, which is FREE!
No need to pay Apple!

Since you are such a great OSX genius (I wonder how Apple let you go away...:rolleyes: ), you can contact OSX AV software vendors (e.g. Eugene Kaspersky will be thrilled about your OSX Security expertise...:D).
You can also contact OSX Malware Testing sites,
like, and challenge their testing Methodology/Results.

You claimed that 'OSX is bullet-proof when it comes to malware'.
I presented the findings of an OSX Malware Testing site that claimed
the opposite! They have Methodology. They do Tests. They post Results!

-What do you have Against them? NOTHING!
Nothing but bs-talk!

For you, they are all 'Stupid'...
As 'Stupid' was the Microsoft MVP who wrote
his thoughts on Windows 8.1 Security.

Where is, Mr. Big-Shot, your OWN Personal writings on Windows Security?

No where! You point your finger on others,
but when it comes to you,
Nothing Nothing but bs-talk!

Please, publish your findings so that humanity will gain so much from you! :rolleyes:

I like not having a boss.
Definitely! Who would like to have you as an employee! :rolleyes:
You on the other hand seem to need someone to tell you
what to believe and most likely couldn't make it on your own.
Wow! That was the Epitome of STUPIDITY!!!
I am Not an OSX expert like your highness...:rolleyes:
In fact, I do Not spend my $$$ to buy the MAC-CRAP!
IF I want a more secure OS, I will go for Linux, which is FREE!
No need to pay Apple!

Since you are such a great OSX genius (I wonder how Apple let you go away...:rolleyes: ), you can contact OSX AV software vendors (e.g. Eugene Kaspersky will be thrilled about your OSX Security expertise...:D).
You can also contact OSX Malware Testing sites,
like, and challenge their testing Methodology/Results.

You claimed that 'OSX is bullet-proof when it comes to malware'.
I presented the findings of an OSX Malware Testing site that claimed
the opposite! They have Methodology. They do Tests. They post Results!

-What do you have Against them? NOTHING!
Nothing but bs-talk!

For you, they are all 'Stupid'...
As 'Stupid' was the Microsoft MVP who wrote
his thoughts on Windows 8.1 Security.

Where is, Mr. Big-Shot, your OWN Personal writings on Windows Security?

No where! You point your finger on others,
but when it comes to you,
Nothing Nothing but bs-talk!

Please, publish your findings so that humanity will gain so much from you! :rolleyes:

Definitely! Who would like to have you as an employee! :rolleyes:
Wow! That was the Epitome of STUPIDITY!!!

Ah, now we are at the root of the matter with this comment:

In fact, I do Not spend my $$$ to buy the MAC-CRAP!
IF I want a more secure OS, I will go for Linux, which is FREE!
No need to pay Apple!

The Apple hate is flowing freely. It was obvious from the start. I noticed not one bad word about Linux. So the actual issue here is that you don't like Apple. ;)

Again, I'm not going to contact AV software venders. You are saying thats the only way I can possibly find an infection for Mac is contact the AV venders? LOL :rolleyes:

Please, publish your findings so that humanity will gain so much from you!

Nah. Too much of humanity is like you. "don't confuse me with the facts, I want the folks at Microsoft to tell me what to think"

So, being able to reason and make up your own mind is the "Epitome of STUPIDITY" ? That speaks volumes about you. :rolleyes:

Let me say again that I agree that Windows 8.1 is likely more secure than Windows 7, on paper anyway. You are simply ****** off that I said Mac is more secure because you are anti-Apple. You are also painfully butt hurt that you can't find a single virus in the wild for OSX. Its ok, you are not the first to go down this road and you wont be the last.
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-I should disregard the Methodology and Results of a OSX Malware Testing site
like which classified (MD5 Hash) legitimate OSX Malware.
-I should also disregard the AV software vendors for OSX who verified the OSX Malware.


Because, an Unknown Mac supporter,
who owns a small home-based Computer Repair shop,
says so.

And all of these without having seen your own
Malware Testing Methodology,
Malware Testing Results, and Malware Testing Publications
that need to be officially/
professionally recognized/accepted
by the OSX Security community!

-IF this is Not the Epitome of Stupidity, this is definitely the Epitome of INSANITY!

-IF you have the BALLS, Mr. Famous, tell this kind of bs to
AV software vendors for OSX and/or
the OSX Malware Testing sites like

Do you dare? Hell, no!

-They will Not only laugh at you!
-They will call the Shrink!

For one more time,
-Do you have published any professionally recognized work on MAC Security
-Do you
have published any professionally recognized work on Windows Security?

IF you have NOT officially published any recognized work on Security,
then do Not call 'stupid' the others who have!

Once more:

Originally Posted by nlinecomputers
The techs on this forum really need to stop being such damn self righteous dicks.

And something about you (written by another member HERE.)
I hate reading your posts sometimes.
YOUR logic button is busted.
That's the nicest way I could think to word it.
I'm sorry but someone had to say it.
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-I should disregard the Methodology and Results of a OSX Malware Testing site
like which classified (MD5 Hash) legitimate OSX Malware.
-I should also disregard the AV software vendors for OSX who verified the OSX Malware.


Because, an Unknown Mac supporter,
who owns a small home-based Computer Repair shop,
says so.

And all of these without having seen your own
Malware Testing Methodology,
Malware Testing Results, and Malware Testing Publications
that need to be officially/
professionally recognized/accepted
by the OSX Security community!

-IF this is Not the Epitome of Stupidity, this is definitely the Epitome of INSANITY!

-IF you have the BALLS, Mr. Famous, tell this kind of bs to
AV software vendors for OSX and/or
the OSX Malware Testing sites like

Do you dare? Hell, no!

-They will Not only laugh at you!
-They will call the Shrink!

For one more time,
-Do you have published any professionally recognized work on MAC Security
-Do you
have published any professionally recognized work on Windows Security?

IF you have NOT officially published any recognized work on Security,
then do Not call 'stupid' the others who have!

Once more:

Originally Posted by nlinecomputers
The techs on this forum really need to stop being such damn self righteous dicks.

And something about you (written by another member HERE.)

The AV venders have a pretty big interest in spreading FUD. But you are to ignorant to realize that. Or maybe you are hugging their nuts as tight as you do the microsoft boys.

And AGAIN, I'm asking the ole wise king of the Microsoft nut huggers to send me a Mac virus. If you can't GTFO you lost, end of story.

You should know by now I don't give a **** what people on a forum think about me. I do my job and do it damn well. I don't mind calling bs when I see it. That guys article title was bs and so are you if you can't at least point me to a legit Mac virus. So far all you have done is tell me how they are even more insure than Windows, meanwhile in the real world I don't see ANY real viruses for mac. The occasional exploit maybe, a trojan if you are a retarded monkey and install it sure. But not one real virus, not in many many years and you can't prove me wrong.

Thats why you are so ******. :D
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