I'm looking for a text autofill app to convert a command into a block of text. (PC/Android)


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Currently I use Gmail templates for blocks of text that I don't want to have to re-type every time in email. The problem is I need this to work for text messages as well. So on my Android phone I have been using the Gboard custom dictionary to perform this. The problem with this is that the custom dictionary has a character limit, and it doesn't work on my PC. So for example if I want a text command like:

CB1 (stands for call back 1-2 hours):
Hello! I have recieved your request, however I am currently in an appointment. The estimated response time is: 2-3 hours. I will reach out to you as soon as I am able to. In the meantime, please try to reboot your computer(s) or device and report back if that has resolved the issue you are experiencing.

I have to break it up like this..

RM (stands for received message):
Hello! I have recieved your request, however I am currently in an appointment.
CB1 (stands for call back 1-2 hours):
The estimated response time is: 2-3 hours. I will reach out to you as soon as I am able to.
RB (stands for reboot):
In the meantime, please try to reboot your computer(s) or device and report back if that has resolved the issue you are experiencing.

So my command types as follows:


I have found this TextSpander - the problem with TextSpander is that it costs $40 A YEAR. This program might be worth $40 one time but it certainly isn't worth $40 per year.

Additionally their Mobile app is in Beta and while trying the product I have found that the Android app on my phone doesn't work all the time.

edit: Yes I know I can use copy/paste but a lot of the time I'm driving and I'd rather not have to do that.
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If you like it and it saves you time, then pony up the $40 and get on with your life. Some things are just too valuable. I use MileIQ, for example to keep track of my mileage so I don't have to keep a hand-written log in my car and remember to fill the damned thing in - which I'm apparently incapable of remembering. How much does it cost? WHO CARES? It saves me from a chore I hate!

I'm very careful about unnecessary expenditures, but $40 per year for something that I use constantly is just peanuts. Eleven cents per day (rounded up).