I need some coaching for a WP Site


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Rochester MN
This is for me, a side project. I can handle the hosting, installation, content and all that, looking to hire someone to remote in my computer and help me figure out a few design issues with the template. Not sure how long it will take. Shoot me a message if you have time in the next week or so, thanks!
When you say 'template', do you mean what WP calls 'Themes'? If so, I have two tips: First, make yourself a child-theme. This is important because to tweak the appearance etc of your theme, you will need to alter the CSS and maybe other elements. Which brings me to Tip 2: Almost all theme alterations are achieved through CSS modification. But themes get updated, usually for good, security-based reasons. If you don't have a child-theme in place, all your modifications will get overwritten and you'll have to start all over again. If you already knew all that - sorry!
What's the site for? - I mean, what is its purpose - business, education, entertainment...? Wordpress lists an awful lot of free, ready-to-go themes and you can use their 'feature-filter' to help specify/rule-out particular elements. Have you had a look here ?
It's a personal side project for me, not the business. Yes I have seen all of the free themes and want to buy one and want to hire someone to help me.
@Mick @callthatgirl Which theme is it that you have? The "CSS Editing" is a yes and no... it depends on the theme as to how much needs to be done in CSS. Some themes have virtually no facility built into the theme to change the 'look and feel' while a theme like Avada(Mine) requires virtually NO CSS editing... the theme options provides an entire page/section to change the look.
@phaZed is right - some themes do try and make things easier for you but (IME) if you want to make significant changes you are probably going to have to get the bonnet* up at some stage. I'd offer, but I think the time differences etc would make collaboration IRL too difficult. Some of the more reputable theme developers will offer support periods or other arrangements if you can't find any volunteers here.

* Hood!
It's not going to require CSS work, if so I'd look at upwork for that. I just need someone to help guide me with the theme.
@Mick @callthatgirl Which theme is it that you have? The "CSS Editing" is a yes and no... it depends on the theme as to how much needs to be done in CSS. Some themes have virtually no facility built into the theme to change the 'look and feel' while a theme like Avada(Mine) requires virtually NO CSS editing... the theme options provides an entire page/section to change the look.
FYI your big remote support button on your site is 404.
@callthatgirl I may be able to help, especially if the theme is Avada. I'm no super wizard, but can def. show you around the theme... if your looking for a quick primer, I couldn't charge you (You post too much good info here that isn't paid for) ;)
@phaZed aww thanks, I think I found someone but will keep your name handy! I will install the theme and get as far as I can, then this person will step in and help as I need it. That's what I need is someone more familiar with WP itself and all the weird stuff in the themes I can't figure out myself.