Help me with my YouTube Partership

I'm not sure how it works, the "Real time" seems real but the actual analytics is delayed a day or two. Sucks when you are clocking this, but now it's up to 19 people viewing, not sure how they track it either!

I'm doing a pretty large push later to all my channels about the interview with Adam and doing a "if you want to watch other interviews, 22 of them....please play the list and it will help me with the termination, never know. I have never seen so many techs jump in a cause before, it's great.
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right now I can't see locations, it's been over 20 all day, now it's down to 11. I'm about to send out the messages. I wrote up something very nice, we'll see how it goes. The first group is 11,000 people. I like seeing analytics in action.
right now I can't see locations, it's been over 20 all day, now it's down to 11. I'm about to send out the messages. I wrote up something very nice, we'll see how it goes. The first group is 11,000 people. I like seeing analytics in action.

Interesting. Then I'm thinking they may only count those viewing when logged into an account.
I wonder that too, not sure. I sent out the first message to that Linkedin group and used a tracking bitly, 22 people are running the playlist, so that's good. I just finished the creators course, made for millennials but I got a few good learning nuggies of out it. I found a way to get some of those folks who want free advice to use my channel too, doing a "question/answer" and someone I swear mentioned that to me, here or elsewhere.
14 people still running videos right now, not sure who is from TN or the Linkedin group messages, but again, thanks!!! I am working the numbers now. These are messed up, but I think I need still 46,000 minutes. Getting there just started on Jan 17 pretty much.

Yeah, seems easy enough to do :) 20 people logged in now, WOW!!!

@NYJimbo I have that page marked to read later about the begging, l think we all had that idea the minute we needed to save our channels. This is my post on FB that next day. I found my longest video on a good video people would learn from. That spawned more playlists and more pushes to social media. I have never seen so many people give a crap about their channels, now I have new YouTube campaign starting and I'm a bit energized about it. We'll see, more interviews lined up anyway lol

Light at the end of the tunnel....but now I found out if I lose my partner plan, I lose custom thumbnails. I know such minor things...

Goal 240,000

I think I need 4000 hours by Feb 16, then of course...I have to keep up my numbers or not sure how that works, but of course now I want to do a marathon over the weekend. Thinking of doing a SEO marketing course and interviewing a few folks, give away all my tricks of the trade. Then do a big promo again lol.

Here is what I got from them on the 16th

Half way in 8 days! Thanks so much everyone, this amount of watch time took me years to get, got in a week, great support from the techs.
