
Maybe because it's based off of FireFox. It doesn't really have any features that would make my webbing experience any different from FF or Opera.
It looks like a Firefox with menus to be used for more web-mutlimedia stuff such as Photos (uploading to flickr, del.ico.us with ease of uploading and managing) and blogging. If your a blogger/shutterbug this could be useful. However it doesnt seem to offer anything much different to Firefox so I personally wouldnt use it.
The only webbrowser i think that can top FF is the one that you can walk around in, jump into different websites, and then browse them normally...i forgot the name of the program, but it sounds innovative to me.
I have firefox and opera and stuff but i tend to stick with ie idk y but it seems to apeal to me the most
I have never even heard of it but I think ti looks pretty cool I am going to ahve to check it out to see how good it is.