Facebook & Instagram Went Down


Well-Known Member
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Bullhead City, AZ
Some of us are aware that Facebook & Instagram accounts were down today. Users were kicked out and a new login request took its place. They both just came back up but I wanted to let everyone know, because I've already received calls from clients telling me something was wrong with their computers.

So, if you receive calls about it, just tell them they should be able to log back in normally now, that it's not their PC.

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I appreciate the heads-up.

It astounds me that it's not just "standard practice" as an end user to "check something else" (e.g., another website, webmail, etc.) when any given thing kicks you out. Every blessed service occasionally suffers a "burp," and all you typically have to do is wait them out.

But I have my share of clients who go into Chicken Little mode the moment anything out of the ordinary, however slight, happens and who don't "check something else" no matter how often I've told them to do this (and if the "something else" is fine, just wait a bit to see if what's gone wonky goes back to normal).
Unfortunately, people panic and end up thinking it's their PC that's the problem. FYI, yesterday the postal service's tracking was down most of the day. It's back up today, thank goodness. I have several parts coming in and I like to know which days I have to wait late for the mailperson.
Yep. Got a call from a customer little before 12 about FB. Like I can do anything about FB or any of those other services. Reminds of a customer I had some 15 years ago. Very, very wealthy. Long time AOL users but by then AOL had abandoned any and all support for their app on macOS. She just couldn't understand why I couldn't "fix" things with AOL.
Yep. Got a call from a customer little before 12 about FB. Like I can do anything about FB or any of those other services. Reminds of a customer I had some 15 years ago. Very, very wealthy. Long time AOL users but by then AOL had abandoned any and all support for their app on macOS. She just couldn't understand why I couldn't "fix" things with AOL.
Customers think we can work magic. And most of the time we can. But there are things [like AOL] we'll never be able to fix. I still use AOL but my original accounts disappeared years ago. I had to create new ones. I use gmail more for some things but on some accounts I have everything forwarded to AOL. I like their list and move capabilities better than any other.