Could a Windows 11 Subforum be created, please?


Well-Known Member
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Staunton, VA
The title pretty much says it.

There are already enough differences between Windows 10 and Windows 11, particularly how Settings is implemented, to warrant a separate subforum. And I suspect the divergence between the two versions will grow wider over the next several years. It would be nice to have a dedicated subforum such as the ones that already exist up through Windows 10.
Suggestion would be to go off of the Microsoft Support life-cycle.... Wherefore, please merge the Vista in with Windows XP and Older... because it is End of Support, too, and call it something like "Windows Vista, XP and older."

I would leave Windows 7 alone because technically it is still in Extended support until January 14th, 2023, so some customers have security updates. I would also rename Windows 8 to Windows 8.1/8 and leave it alone too.

Then create a Windows 11
I don't have the correct permissions in order to do a sub forum, else I would have done so before now.

Will try and contact Bryce off forum, as he's not been on in over a month.
Windows 7 has last post in November 2021 and Windows 8 in April 2021! IMO everything 8.1 and below can be the same channel.

Maybe like:
Windows 8/8.1/7/Vista/XP & Earlier
Windows 8.1 & Earlier
Personally, I don't like lumping all out of support stuff on the same subforum.

If I'm looking for ancient history, and an existing forum/subforum hierarchy already exists to keep them separate, I really appreciate their being kept separate.

It's not a matter of when the last post was made, but the relatedness of the content. Stuff from Windows 8/8.1 is not at all related to most of what came before it (some is, most isn't).
Personally, I don't like lumping all out of support stuff on the same subforum.

If I'm looking for ancient history, and an existing forum/subforum hierarchy already exists to keep them separate, I really appreciate their being kept separate.

It's not a matter of when the last post was made, but the relatedness of the content. Stuff from Windows 8/8.1 is not at all related to most of what came before it (some is, most isn't).
This. If i do need to find something on Vista and don’t want to weed through Xp.
I barely know about which forum is which. I just search for anything I need that's not on the current what's new page.
I barely know about which forum is which. I just search for anything I need that's not on the current what's new page.

In which case you should have no objections to leaving things carefully categorized for those that don't do as you do.

I sometimes do, but when I'm doing deep dives into the past I will go to a specific forum, and limit my searching (whether via actual search or poring through stuff) to that forum.

I really, really don't want a tidy filing system reversed for absolutely no good reason. In fact, I'd be the one saying if there were an "all out of support versions of Windows subforum" consideration to doing programmatic sorting into dedicated era forums would be a very good idea indeed.
Windows 7 has last post in November 2021 and Windows 8 in April 2021! IMO everything 8.1 and below can be the same channel.

Maybe like:
Windows 8/8.1/7/Vista/XP & Earlier
Windows 8.1 & Earlier
I would wait until January 2023 when 8, 8.1 and 7 all go End of Extended support before lumping them together.

At any rate, other options are just to have Windows, MacOS, and Linux, but honestly this is probably not the best group for any of these. Certainly, there are other websites with hundreds of thousands of posts about Windows alone for example. This is a bit difference because it is in the context of business owners providing PC repair.