Best Website for New/Used Mac Parts (U.S.)


New Member
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I was wondering what sites you all have had good luck with when buying parts, actually either new or used. Normally of course I would prefer to buy new but I need to replace a front panel board in a MDD G4 (Windtunnel ;) ) and since they went out of production in 2003, I doubt I will be able to find a new one.

Any thoughts on HardcoreMac, All Mac, Small Dog or any other site?

Thanks for the feedback 14049752 -- sorry about that.

The other URLs are:


I'll check out Blue Raven, I wasn't familiar with them. I usually just Google the part number when looking for a place to order from, but it would be great if people know of a reputable place with good customer service. I am always leery of buying refurb / used parts, but when a customer wants it I try to please.