Apple Business Essentials


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Pittsburgh, PA - USA
Has anyone used this for SMB? I've got a lead for someone setting up a new business for 8 employees, and they are dead set on staying completely within the Apple infrastructure for device management & cloud storage & sharing, email, etc. They want iMacs in the office, Macbooks for the field & company iPhones for everyone. They are B2B & B2C interior designers, I guess with the two partners coming from a much larger shop - lots of PDFs & Pictures, I'd imagine. They are using the Houzz platform for practice management.

Can this be setup similarly to Sharepoint w/granular user permissions & such? In the document I found, you can control the user's ability to backup their device & data to icloud, and create shared picture folders, but it's light on any specifics for admin-controlled granular permissions for shared data.

Any red flags I should be looking out for?
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I used to use Apple's MDM years ago via their servers but they basically. Have yet to look at ABE but, from what I've read, has similar types of functionality. None of my customers have the kinds of MDM concerns that other have so those specific functions, like pushing gupdates, aren't on the radar

On M365 in the macOS ecosystem. I moved a customer, all Apple as well, over from a failed on prem server, Synology, to Sharepoint. They're a commercial real estate business and are creating tons and tons of PDFs using Keynote. We discovered that Sharepoint will not parse a Keynote file a single file. Rather as a container with other stuff in it. So if you copy over an existing PDF to Sharepoint and op[en it you'll get an error. But if you create a new one it seemed to work as it should. But I haven't revisited that issue in a while so make sure to test it. Everything else works as advertised.