[REQUEST] Any thoughts why iPhones don't get this link

What text message service do you guys use?

I say the following simply because it's true: None.

I have always found marketing information, regardless of the delivery mechanism, from companies I do business with to be supremely annoying and, essentially, spam.

My feeling, from my end, is, "Don't call me, I'll call you if I need you. And I don't need reminders that you exist."

If your marketing is opt-in, that's an entirely different kettle of fish. But if it's opt-out (even though that's great when respected) you will have annoyed customers who won't come out and say this.
The black bar on @Markverhyden screenshot is there because the "mobile responsive" is set at 709 pixels wide and below - but Markverhyden is likely at a wider width on his screen.. so he's being served the "desktop version" (Notice the W x H numbers in top right corner):

Would suggest trying to change the mobile change point to 749-760 wide or something like that.


Mark is likely using the Apple Webkit Safari Browser - which oft has small issues like this - whereas the Google Chrome Browser seems to "pop" into mobile mode more readily based on the site's availability of a mobile version (It will seek that out). My brand new Galaxy S23 Ultra has a 1440 wide screen, yet I still get the mobile, non-black bar site in Chrome on the Phone.

The desktop version only has a slight difference with '::before" and '::after" appearing in the HTML that cause CSS to produce the black border.

1677350019848.png 1677350036713.png
My mms provider is ATT. @phaZed is correct. I was using Safari, which is webkit, on my iPhone. The site does render properly Chrome on iOS. But this second visit I noticed another issue. The website header is cut off on the right in both Chrome and Safari.