Any Adobe alternative for server installs?


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Pittsburgh, PA - USA
My one client that has an RDS server is looking to add Adobe Pro for some of the users. As near as I can tell, that requires Acrobat for Enterprise licenses @ $335 per year each (no monthly option). Most of the workers on the server were migrated from standalone workstations, and had perpetual licenses for (mostly) Acrobat Pro v20. This is far from their biggest expense, but I'm wondering if anyone has used another product for a shared server install like this. They need the ability to edit PDFs, add notes, and do redacting (the one feature Adobe has saved for the expensive version).

I did actually install one of the perpetual licenses on the server, but I'm sure that will only work with one user at a time, and is probably breaking the license using it at all this way.

Anyway, before I tell them to just suck it up and pay, are there alternatives I might be missing?
I have been using PDF-XChange Viewer for years, and love it. It's the predecessor to PDF-XChange Editor/PDF-XChange Editor Plus.

Also, you really need to ask what the actual use situation is. I've seen a many buy full PDF creation/editing software when that's really not what's needed at all.

Foxit PDF Editor is also worth a look if an actual PDF editor is needed. It's also easy to forget that all modern versions of MS-Word can open PDF files and save as PDF.
I am aware that there are alternative softwares, what I don't know about is whether their licensing supports multi-use installation on an RDS server. I was just hoping to save some research time by posting.
Also, you really need to ask what the actual use situation is. I've seen a many buy full PDF creation/editing software when that's really not what's needed at all.

The workers receive PDF files from multiple sources - many of them are brokerage houses - so basically asset statements. They take those files, make processing notes in the files themselves (hence the need for editing), and often times redact sensitive information and forward them on to others. So the redacting has to be actual removal of the original information, not just pasting a black rectangle on a different document layer.

That's how they explained it to me. They currently use the perpetual version of Acrobat Pro on individual workers' computers, but now several of those workers are giving up their computers and switching to 100% remote, using an RDS server to do their work. Adobe's licensing requirements are clear - you need the enterprise version to install on an RDS server, and every Adobe user on that server needs a license.

It looks like I will need to contact the other software vendors to see what is required to use their product on an RDS server and the cost associated with that use.
+1 for Foxit Editor here. It's what we use on all our session hosts.

It's a perpetual licence with an optional "maintenance plan" entitling you to future versions. For example you pay £140 upfront for the current version, then optionally £30-40 each year thereafter to continue receiving updates.

They offer volume licencing if you are buying a lot.
It does look like Foxit Editor Pro will do what we need, however it looks like you can't just use a perpetual license for an RDS box. This is from a sticked post on their user forums:

* Single-Use Perpetual License cannot be used in any multi-user environment, such as terminal server. Instead, users need to acquire multi-user license or site license from Foxit. Learn more about our Grant of License in our EULA here.

It looks instead like you have to purchase a site license or a "teams" license. I would imagine that this isn't available with a perpetual license but instead requires a subscription. I held my nose and asked for a quote. Here's hoping they don't sell my info down the river too far.

Also: Nitro PDF requires a minimum of 11 seats to use it on a terminal server.
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I would imagine that this isn't available with a perpetual license but instead requires a subscription.

Sorta kinda in between, at least in the past. I've dealt with site licenses and while they are time limited, it's usually for a number of years that's higher than one. So, yes, you do have to renew every once in a while, at least if you want to keep everything legal, but I'd have to believe that most of this software would still run "after expiration," too. And in a business setting for both legal and other practical reasons, when you need to re-up you do.
Also, on PDF-Xchange, it looks like they only do "pixelated overlays" not true redacting, so that one is out. I will also request a price for Nitro PDF since the normal price of $14.99/user/month is low enough that it would only take 6 users in Adobe to equal the cost of a minimum purchase of 11 in Nitro. If they offer a discount for volume, then that equation could look even better.
Also, on PDF-Xchange, it looks like they only do "pixelated overlays" not true redacting, so that one is out.

Well, remember, there is a difference between Viewer (which is what I use) and Editor. PDF-XChange Editor is just that, a full service editor. You can hack out whatever you like.

If you're talking about "black patch" redactions with underlying actual removal of the text layer, I've never seen that or dealt with it.
It does look like Foxit Editor Pro will do what we need, however it looks like you can't just use a perpetual license for an RDS box. This is from a sticked post on their user forums:

* Single-Use Perpetual License cannot be used in any multi-user environment, such as terminal server. Instead, users need to acquire multi-user license or site license from Foxit. Learn more about our Grant of License in our EULA here.

It looks instead like you have to purchase a site license or a "teams" license. I would imagine that this isn't available with a perpetual license but instead requires a subscription. I held my nose and asked for a quote. Here's hoping they don't sell my info down the river too far.

I think that just applies to retail licences. Their volume licencing definitely works for terminal servers as we have 32 licences actively actively in use every day.

Probably best cover yourself and get confirmation in writing from Foxit though. Wouldn't be the first time licencing terms get changed without warning.