Access point traffic?


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I used to have my WiFi security cams running on an old router on a subnet. Main router was a Cisco small business unit that supported subnets quite well. Recently I moved them to a new access point (cheap TP-Link) which is running on a also new router (better TP-Link). The laptop that monitors the cams is also on the access point (wired) and not the main router. Does any/all of the traffic that the cams produce make it through to the main router or does all the traffic stay on the access point? The reason I ask is I'm getting some delays or pauses in the main router that I can't explain and may be from the cams. I don't know. I haven't turned on or investigated logging yet on the main router. (No need to bad-mouth TP-Link. Won't help the situation....)
Yes by default on basic network equip, it will all scatter around.
This is where good features like "port isolation" and "block lan to wlan traffic" come into play, Unifi has those features to greatly increase network performance.
Although I'll be honest...I'm not sure why the router is "pausing" on you. Traffic should not go "through" your router unless that traffic wants to get to another subnet/network. Key here being..."exit the gateway". (I failed to say that before). Only traffic intending on going out to the internet would go through your router, as a router routes traffic from one network (your private LAN) another network (the internet). So in most cases (esp for home and small biz)...a router is running as a gateway. All gateways are routers, but not all routers are gateways.

Without knowing your IP camera/dvr/nvr system..I'm not sure if you have any video traffic going to cloud storage, or if it's all just kept local.
All video is staying local and going to the laptop that is on the same access point as all the cameras. The only thing on that access point is the cameras (WiFi) and the laptop (wired). Hmm...