[WARNING] 20,000+ Organizations compromised in latest Exchange Attack.

And all of this... because on premise Exchange admins didn't bother to configure IIS to limit admin access...
I had a client on Feb 26th in which her laptop, all of the sudden, stopped talking/authenticating with the server. Her OST was fine, just Outlook wouldn't start normally (safe mode worked, but not connecting) and would error out failing to connect to server.

Logs complain of authentication error - but has been working for year(s). Known credentials not working. So, I blew away that account and profile and added the Exchange server back in and it seemingly worked fine... connection re-established and authenticating, emails and folders all downloaded.

Long story short (too late?), I made a long-term managed services customer out of this email issue, so imagine my surprise when I get a support ticket on the 1st (3 days later) from the same customer stating that:
hey there! I am not getting emails from John - fake.john@fakebiz.com. He has same exchange as I do of course. I see them on my phone, but not my laptop. Also, don't see them in spam. Need to receive ALL fakebiz emails as this is work. Many thanks - Jane Fake
Not sure why her phone is getting them (Exchange on phone, not POP or IMAP) - but we determined that was flaky at best.

This is what we found and sent back to her:
It has been noted that emails from other Fakebiz employees are not reaching client inbox. External non-Fakebiz emails are being received.

We can only conclude that something is wrong with the Exchange Server's internal routing of emails that is at fault.
Outlook is synchronizing with the exchange server (reported 100% sync) which indicates we have a good connection to the exchange server. (the 100% status is 'agreed' upon by the exchange server).

If possible, we would like to broker talks between the Administrator(s) of the Exchange Server and see if they can shed any light on the issue (logs and settings only available on the Exchange Server itself).

They never got back to her or I, so we can't reconcile the issue. When I saw this on Krebs last night, the lightbulb went off... I bet they got infected with this. I sent the article to her and she's sent it to them, lighting a fire under their butts, I hope.

I'm almost certain that Fakebiz's "IT Dept." comprises of the owner or someone that doubles as the IT guy.. hopefully they will consider opting for our services, instead!

Anyways, if they are infected and the behavior I'm describing of their Exchange Server is indeed because of this, hopefully it helps someone else.