How To Use The Marriott Hack to Sell Your Cyber-Security Services - Technibble
Marriott Hotel Hack

How To Use The Marriott Hack to Sell Your Cyber-Security Services

  • 12/03/2018

The Marriott hotel chain just reported a data breach which exposed the details of 500 million guests. News of this hack is making mainstream media and putting cyber-security at top-of-mind for many business owners. Now is an excellent opportunity to market your cyber-security services.

Inform and Deliver Value

Some of your prospects and clients may have missed the news or only caught the headline. You can explain to them what happened, what data was stolen, and how this could impact them.
You can explain that hackers often use stolen details to try and gain access to other sites and services. Suggest they change their password if they were a Marriott customer, and that they should implement a password manager ongoing.

Managed Services is Cheaper Than a Breach

It’s too early to say how this hack will impact the Marriott hotel chain, but it’s safe to assume their brand has been damaged and they are open to lawsuits in the future.

This is an opportunity to remind your clients and prospects that a similar breach can happen to them. And that the financial cost and damage-to-reputation will be high.

Your cybersecurity services can help prevent a Marriott-style breach and while it does carry a monthly expense, its far cheaper than the alternative.

If you need a content template to take advantage of this timely news, we just included one in this month’s White-Label Newsletter.
