How MSPs Grow Big - Technibble

How MSPs Grow Big

  • 06/18/2019

In this video I share what separates from those who build a MSP business, and those who have just created a job for themselves.


Bryce Whitty here from

I just recently saw a post on a Facebook group where a member was discussing his goal to get to a certain amount of income this year.

He does mostly residential work and was calculating that if he gets a certain amount of billable hours per week, he would reach that goal. Of course, most people were suggesting that he targets businesses and specifically goes after Managed Service contracts.

What he needed to know, was that the big money starts when you begin to separate your time from money. There are only a certain amount of hours in the day, and of course you can bump up your hourly rate, but of course, there’s a limit for that. The guy who earns 10 times more does not have 10 times the amount of hours in the day, or work 10 times as hard. They are leveraged. The original poster was somewhat opposed to managed services “collecting money and hoping they don’t need you”. And I’d say it’s a common mindset for people who have been taught to work hard per hour.

MSPs work hard of course, but even if you are just looking at the logs every now and then for a business customer. You are providing knowledge, you are providing protection and that protection has value. Even if you aren’t “hands on”. Once you are free of exchanging your time per hour like this. You can scale and offer that knowledge and protection to a lot of businesses at once.

That’s how you grow a business, rather than just creating a job for yourself.

That’s it for this video. I hope that helps.
