Windows 7 End of Support

Geez has the fool never heard of a keylogger. Has he never gotten a virus? I think I am a good tech but once in a total blonde moment I clicked on a UPS phishing virus email and got my system hard pwnd. Firewall never saw it. Your boss is an idiot. Do what you can to move on asap.
I know what you mean.

At least we do have up to date AV running on all systems. - Not that it's any excuse to be running an out dated OS.
. . . who also appears to have been living under an information blackout under some rock for decades now. The degree of abject stupidity is beyond breathtaking. Were I the company owner (and including if he is) I would be terrified of a liability suit just waiting to happen. Then again, this is a clear case of willful ignorance being bliss. The wake-up call, and there will be one, won't be pretty.
I actually told my wife the other day - it isn't if we get hit with something it is when. I've seen far too many cases where simple human error has left a company on its knees and this will be no different. I have at least let it be known in writing that it isn't my stance to take such a lais-sez-faire approach to the security of our network and our data. One of those CYA kind of situations.
I have at least let it be known in writing that it isn't my stance to take such a lais-sez-faire approach to the security of our network and our data. One of those CYA kind of situations.

A very, very wise move on your part. You cannot be held responsible if you expressly warned, in writing, those who are responsible for authorizing and executing the necessary changes and they do not do so. It insulates you from liability (and also probably makes you "an enemy of the state," but so be it).
On a practical note, backups backups backups backups BACKUPS might be the only thing that can save the business. Make sure they're automatic, cover everything critical, and are offline/offsite.

More significantly, any modern servers are going to be a problem because without hoop-jumping they won't talk the same protocols as very old PCs. This will also be a problem for browser use (missing support for newer encryption methods, lack of any supported browsers), etc.

Edit: And I don't think "XP" and "up-to-date AV" can coexist these days.

On a more personal note, if part of the problem is health insurance then the exchanges aren't great but they're mostly not terrible either. Open enrollment just ended but you wouldn't have been eligible anyway, but if you leave your job that was providing health insurance that triggers eligibility for a Special Enrollment Period.
You may qualify for a Special Enrollment Period if you or anyone in your household lost qualifying health coverage in the past 60 days OR expects to lose coverage in the next 60 days.​
On a practical note, backups backups backups backups BACKUPS might be the only thing that can save the business. Make sure they're automatic, cover everything critical, and are offline/offsite.

More significantly, any modern servers are going to be a problem because without hoop-jumping they won't talk the same protocols as very old PCs. This will also be a problem for browser use (missing support for newer encryption methods, lack of any supported browsers), etc.

Edit: And I don't think "XP" and "up-to-date AV" can coexist these days.

On a more personal note, if part of the problem is health insurance then the exchanges aren't great but they're mostly not terrible either. Open enrollment just ended but you wouldn't have been eligible anyway, but if you leave your job that was providing health insurance that triggers eligibility for a Special Enrollment Period.
You may qualify for a Special Enrollment Period if you or anyone in your household lost qualifying health coverage in the past 60 days OR expects to lose coverage in the next 60 days.​

You are correct. - the two devices that are in regular use which are Windows XP are not up to date on AV.