Tech to Tech ... Shout Out!


Reaction score
This is going to sound a little like I just won an Academy Award but, just wanted to give some recognition to other TN members that have given some great contributions to this site and took their own personal time to share their knowledge and experience. In no specific order. (Maybe a little specific)

Bryce W: Thanks for a great site/resource for techs to collaborate and share info.

YeOldeStonecat: What can I say, you are a jack of all trades. You've helped me with technical problems, and had good detailed info on everything and not only technical issues but, from everything from automotive issues to recommending Kangaroo recipes. Thanks!

FoolishTech (Nick): D7 What a time saver...Thank you. Great contributions on the site. Also has helped me personally. Wish I had a sliver of your knowledge!

angry_geek Always great info and humorous spin on personal/business experiences.

Martyn: The Gatekeeper. Keeps the threads going in the right direction. Always gives great input.

16k_zx81 (Jim): Straight shooter tells it like it is whether you like it or not but, always without being offending. Also knows his way around a Kangaroo. Great contributions!

PCX: Great business sense and technical ability. Another straight shooter. Very detailed well thought out posts.

NYJimbo: Always enlightening. What you see is what you get. Very informative and always up on the latest trends.

putertutor: Seems like a genuinely nice guy. Has a lot of great input. Always willing to teach an learn.

There are also a bunch of other great techs out there that I didn't mention specifically but a few to come to mind are:

DocGreen & Amanda
Methical ( what happened to him)
Cadishead Computers

I know I'm missing people. Who else has helped you on this forum?

Edit: Damn... Bernie, Sorry you funny *******!

Edit2: Bertie40 you know thats you up ^ there sorry for the misspell.

YOCS (aka Cliff)
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Cadishead, good you named him twice.

I didn't make the list though ........
Rejected again.
Everybody hates me. ;)

I nominate Xander.
Yeah don't forget, I'd swim across the great pond just to hang with him at a pub with a steady supply of pints, and fall out of my stool from insane laughter. That dude has some seriously comical writing skills!

Thanks for the mention...sometimes I feel like my "heyday and prime" was 10 years ago. I've peaked. I'm an old dinosaur now. I used to participate in a lot of tech forums years ago, earned me several years of back to back MVP awards. Then I kinda stopped. Guess getting married (again..3rd time)...and the biz, and getting old, and feeling like I'm winding down in my career has taken some of the wind out of my sails.

The industry has changed quite a bit. It used to evolve at a rather steady pace, seems like it's really escalated, and the severity and liability and SLAs and regs like HIPAA 'n all that stuff have taken the fun out of it.

Like to help when I can though, before senility fully kicks in and I forget it all. I forget how I stumbled on this forum, but glad I did, the peeps here have revived a bit of spark in me, it's a good community. One of the other forums I'm at, back in its hey-day...we used to have annual meets. A bunch of members would get together, I held a few at my house, and traveled to a few. Fun to meet peeps in real life that you already know from an online community. Realize it's different here though with a good portion of this forum being spread across both great ponds.
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Nice thread. I always love a little recognition. Here's my awards....

Most Knowledgeable: Networks
No doubt this goes to YeOldeStonecat. I like everything about this cat, except his name which is just too damned long. But given his ability to make networks look like child's play and me look like a child in the process, I'll forgive him for the name. Every time I see those five green rep boxes, I think "Five?!? Really. How the hell did he get five?!?" And then I read his post and say "Oh. That's how."

Most Knowledgeable: Hardware
Also no doubt in my mind here: PCX. Not only does he have a nice short name, but he definitely knows his scheisse. And he shares it in great detail whenever the need arises. I swear to God, I once 'fixed' a computer without doing a full hw diagnostic, and the next morning the walls in my shop were bleeding green goo and the letters pcx were burned into my bench. Never again. If I could spend a week with him and a week with the cat above, I would be a much better tech. Also a much better drinker and fighter I presume.

Most Knowledgable: Business
This is a toss up between PCX and CallThatGirl. But I think the award has to go to CallThatGirl. I mean how many books and call centers does PCX have? Not only does CallThatGirl know her business ish, she shares it freely, often suggesting the best route to grow a business. Often that route involves buying her books, but hey, that's just how it is :cool:. I'd freely spend a week with her learning how she runs the business end of things. EDIT:Did I mention, she's a girl!?! An unfortunate rarity in our field.

Most Knowledgable: Website Builder
I feel a little guilty here as member bigdessert gave me a crucial bit of help on a site I was building a while back. But I sent him a personal thanks so I am free to say that 16k_zx81 gets this one. Not only does he know his way around FrontPage (That's the most current wysiwyg I know of, so I assume that's what he must use as well) but he is always a voice of reason and able to bring sense to onerous (look it up) discussions. If he wasn't all the friggin' way on the other side of the earth, I'd spend a week with him too. Mostly just so I could spend that week saying things like 'Shrimp on tha bahbie" and other contrived americanisms of aussie culture.

Most Humorous
Bertie40. I mean who else would take time to write up a mile long post about some nightmare he had, or his latest adventures at the pub. I'm pretty sure this guys shop is in the back room of some pub. I will willingly read threads I have no interest in at all, if I know Bertie40's been there.

Most Angry
Ok, this is a toss up and I think it has to be a 3-way split between angry_geek, NYJimbo, and Xander. I love these three guys. Get a gun thread going and all the nuts come out, but get almost any pizza tech or bad post, and you can be sure one or all of these guys will be there to beat the op into submission. Honestly, this forum would not be as interesting without them around. If that was all they had going, though, I wouldn't even bother to mention them, but these guys clearly know their stuff. I can't recall a time that one of them was wrong in their 'correction' of a silly or stupid idea. EDIT:Honorable Mention in this category goes to Gunslinger

Most Hated by Me
We all know, I Hate Xander because of his stupid hypnotic, spinning avatar that puts me into auto-wait mode (I hate you Xander). I would spend a week with him just to tie him to a large spinning wheel while blindfolded monkeys threw knives at him. If he survived I'd probably take him out for a few drinks and try to learn everything I could from him.

So, thanks to all I have mentioned, and all those I haven't. Honestly this is the best run (Thanks Bryce and Martyn) and most useful forum I have been involved in. Clearly I have not mentioned everyone, so everyone else gets one of those Participant Ribbons.:D
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Yocs, thanks amigo. Tutor, I'm proud of my nature. :D

You guys all rock. Love this forum and the people that make it so informative and fun. . . even when we get pissy with each other. :p
I'm touched.
I'm filling up

I'm full of it. ;)

I suggest an award of some form, maybe a PC with an axe embedded in it.

Oscars ?,
Tony's ?

I suggest the "numpty"

You could imagine it.....

... And this years numpty for worst supported operating system... in a supporting role.

And the nominations are.....

Windows 8, a Microsoft malfunction, sorry, production.
iOS 6, from apple. (Rotten to the core)
And..... Ernest Borgnine.

And the winner is ..... Windows 8

Unfortunately, Microsoft is unable to join us tonight, so accepting the award on their behalf is (a jubilant and giggling) Mr Linus Torvald.

That aside, I still vote Xander for pure personality :)
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Good stuff. I always thought about doing a post like this.

Funny how opinions can differ on some of them though.
I'm just going to go on the record here and put forth that there is just about nothing* that makes me angry. Irked, ruffled, miffed...sure. Angry...nah.

Thanks, Bertie. I relish your posts as well.

* Save for the guy here a few months ago who admitted to doing nothing about kiddie porn on a customer's computer and laughed about it. Yeah, that royally ****** me off, and then he announced a second kid shortly after. Nice fathering instincts, Wilmingtonian.
what about quickest to be banned category? Those guys are always so funny. like the credit card processing kid or the one who said he pirated the business kit and couldnt understand why we were mad.
Hands down most humblest guy but also knowledgeable, admirable, friendly, cool all around guy, YeOldeStoneCat. I look up to that guy, very good person inside and out from what I can see. I always thought he was a just a kid, maybe 18-25 years old from what I could see on the other forums we both frequent lol.
Most artistic ?
I nominate ........ Me.

I can sculpt a convincing, and scarily accurate, likeness of Darth Vader...... out of nasal matter.

Back on subject, how about a 6 monthly vote ?
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Hey, Thank you very much for the recognition :)

You know, We are all in this together. If we help each other out we all win right?

Thanks again!
