SolarWinds MSP Changing Name...again


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Midland TX
Email I got this morning.

Dear Partner,

As this year draws to a close, I want to thank you for your continued partnership and provide some updates about where we are as a business.

In August, we announced we are exploring a potential spin-off of the SolarWinds MSP division. As we continue to explore the potential spin-off, we have some exciting news to share. We’ve chosen a new name, and I’m excited to tell you that we will be called N-able. This name may sound familiar, as N-able extends the roots of who we are as a company. It’s all about the performance, protection, and partnership you need to power your clients—and your business—forward. Additionally, we confidentially submitted a Form 10 with the SEC on December 4, 2020, regarding the potential spin-off.

Some partners have asked about what the impact of spinning off from SolarWinds would be on our operations. Today, SolarWinds MSP operates separately as a wholly-owned subsidiary of our parent, SolarWinds Corporation.

  • We have a separate and distinct executive leadership team.
  • We have independent technical support, partner success, and sales teams, who provide resources and best practices specifically designed to help you best protect and serve your customers.
  • Our product and R&D teams have their own leadership, standalone roadmaps, and separate repositories and build environments.
The proposed spin-off, we believe, would enable us to further focus on supporting you, allowing for even greater investments in R&D, security, and global customer success. I will keep you posted on any further developments.

Consistent with the transparency I hope you’ve come to expect from us, I also want to keep you updated on the recent Orion Platform security incidents, SUNBURST and SUPERNOVA. I am committed to communicating with you early and often, and as of now, there is no new news based on our investigations—SolarWinds MSP products were not impacted. For the latest information, please visit

As we close out 2020 and look forward to 2021, my promise to you is this: I will work harder than ever with the N-able team to help you thrive and realize even greater success.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to me at any time.

Forward together,

SolarWinds MSP Logo

John Pagliuca | President | SolarWinds MSP
Guess I'm chopped liver, haven't received the email yet. So N-Central N-Able becomes "N-Able N-Able"? and Solarwinds RMM becomes "N-Able RMM"? That's not confusing at all.

Edit: Maybe N-able Squared? I have no idea how to do superscript - ha.
Guess I'm chopped liver, haven't received the email yet. So N-Central N-Able becomes "N-Able N-Able"? and Solarwinds RMM becomes "N-Able RMM"? That's not confusing at all.
Yep, and this assumes that the new owners* don’t change it again.

* The company is spinning this off just after they spent several years to integrate it into SW. The only real reason to do that is to sell it, again...
Divestment to defray liability after a major breach.

The owners are abusing corporate law to avoid getting sued into oblivion... because they will be sued into oblivion.
Divestment to defray liability after a major breach.

The owners are abusing corporate law to avoid getting sued into oblivion... because they will be sued into oblivion.
That implies that they knew about the breach far longer than they admit. They announced the spinoff 6 months ago. This is just announcing the official name of it.
That implies that they knew about the breach far longer than they admit. They announced the spinoff 6 months ago. This is just announcing the official name of it.

The original warning of their FTP services being protected with a password of solarwinds123 was revealed in 2019.

They knew... and they did nothing. Microsoft was updating Azure for this mess in October, which means development on patches started at least in September, but given the gain of events probably more like June.

So yeah, the announcement of the spin off would have been about the time the corporate masters caught wind of just how big this would be, while they did nothing to fix it until Russia ran away with all our stuff.

But I'm sure some putz will still try to tell me about how closed source software is more secure than open source software while ignoring this entire fiasco.
The original warning of their FTP services being protected with a password of solarwinds123 was revealed in 2019.

They knew... and they did nothing. Microsoft was updating Azure for this mess in October, which means development on patches started at least in September, but given the gain of events probably more like June.

So yeah, the announcement of the spin off would have been about the time the corporate masters caught wind of just how big this would be, while they did nothing to fix it until Russia ran away with all our stuff.

But I'm sure some putz will still try to tell me about how closed source software is more secure than open source software while ignoring this entire fiasco.
That’s the problem with venture capitalist owning tech companies. The VCs have no ethics, admittedly a self owned tech company might not either but most I think would have moved heaven and earth to fix the issue.