Sharing sharepoint data with another organization...


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I have a Company A setup with Teams/OneDrive/Sharepoint all the usual stuff.

Company A was bought by Company B.

If I want the new owner of Company A to have access to the Sharepoint stuff, what is the best way to do that?

He already has his own tenant and MS account with his current company.

Is it something like make an email for him at Company A and have him access the sharepoint stuff via the web or can I share the entire sharepoint library with the new owner (who is outside the organization)?

Sorry my brain isn't working today I'm sick.
That was me for years, I still managed but never felt I really knew it well. I met a gal in a tech forum that gave me an hour tech tour and after that, I was blazing Teams and doing shitt tons of calls vs stumbling.

I'd be happy to give you the same tech tour @thecomputerguy
You can configure for external users to have access.

If it's only a few, specific files or folders.... I'd manually share them instead of configuring them for access to the team / sharepoint site.

The user interface is quite nice for that.

There is a way I'm pretty sure to break the permissions inheritance chain for specific sites / doc libraries. That way you can give "guests" more permissions than a guest would usually have but only for that specific asset and not all assets to which the "guests" group has access. And I'm also pretty sure that there are probably better ways to do that then what I've just described.