Mac disregards read-only files in a NAS enviroment.


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I have a client who has all PC's but the owner has an iMac. Basically what happens is when a file (Word) is opened on any device, the Mac will not acknowledge that the file is read-only.

If the Mac opens a file, the PC's do not recognize that the Mac already has the file open.

This issue occurs when the Mac is mapped to the NAS by name ... aka " smb://SERVER/Data "

If I re-map the Mac using the IP of the NAS everything works like it's supposed to and all devices recognize when a file should be read-only.

All PC's behave normally.

The problem is, even if I dismount the Map, and then map it as the IP anytime the user attempts to open a file using the previous mapping, will automatically re-map the Server name becuase of the path.

I'm thinking the only solution is to delete all folder shortcuts to the NAS, clear all recent file lists in Word/Excel, remap the NAS IP and just hope for the best. NAS is a synology.

Any ideas?
One problem I've run into, may or may not be related, was that the Synology NAS was having trouble with file names. I think it was because it wasn't differentiating the case of the filename characters. So an r was the same as an R. This was a while back and I don't remember much more of the details than that.