HTML Email Sending Form

Help with Contact form and Godaddy

If you look at the root of your hosting, you will see a form called gdform.php. That is the contact script that Godaddy uses. All you need to do is create a contact us page (can use the one you already have) and in the form tag include this:
form name="contact" method="post" action="../gdform.php"
This will send you the email. If you need to redirect after submission, just include this:
input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="thankyou.htm"

Just replace thankyou.htm with whatever page you want the visitor to go to.

If you need more help see

Hope this helps,
Do I need to modify the Godaddy php file at all? I would think I would need to put in at least the email address of where to send it.

I assume I can make this GD page like the previous PHP page I had? I still need to declare variables correct?
How's this going, have you figured it out yet? TopLevelComp's code seems more than adequate, have you got it working?

If not, replace the following in the .php file (for testing)

mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers );
with this

echo $to . "<br />" . $subject . "<br />" . $message . "<br />" . $headers;
to verify that everything is correct.