Bryce Whitty - Technibble

All posts by Bryce Whitty

Raising Your Prices

I got an email today from a Technibble reader regarding raising his prices. He says that for the past year his prices have been at least half of everybody else is charging in his area. Due to his low prices


The Computer Advertising Trap

This computer advertising trap is a trap that can effect both beginner and veteran business owners. It is very sneaky because you don’t know its happened until you are right in the middle of it....


HeavyLoad – Stress All Resources of a Computer

HeavyLoad is a freeware application designed to stress all resources of a system such as CPU, RAM, Hard Drive, Network and the Operating System. Why would someone want to do this? To test to see if a computer


How to Avoid Getting Burned in the Computer Business

When computer technicians are starting their first business they are quite vulnerable to “getting burned”. I have personally been burned a few times because I was probably too eagar to please.


How to Fire a Client

The objective of most businesses is to grow their customer base. However, there may come a time when you need to get rid of a client. A bad client can suck the life right out of you and make you hate the


Repair Tool of the Week Presents: The Computer Repair Utility Kit

The Computer Repair Utility Kit is a combination of all of Technibbles Repair Tools of the Week up to date in one easy pack. The Computer Repair Utility Kit allows you to run all of the repair tools from


Here is a Method to Help Land Callout Jobs Over the Phone

In a past article called “giving away too much information and dealing with time wasters” I talked about the dangers of being too helpful on the phone, to the point where you essentially talk


Do People Like You? Your Business May Be Suffering

This is one of the basic fundamentals in business. You can have the best prices, the most convenient location and have the most knowledgeable technicians around, but if people don’t like you it doesn’t


What Makes your Business Different?

Lets say that you went down to the video store to get the latest movie on DVD, only to find that 5 other video stores opened next door to it. Now you have 5 video stores in a line and you aren’t a member

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