Leaving Money on the Table with Cybersecurity? - Technibble

Are You Leaving Money on the Table with Cybersecurity?

  • 12/12/2018

Are you offering cybersecurity packages to you existing clients? If not, you may be leaving a ton of money on the table.


Bryce Whitty here from Technibble.com and in this video, I want to make sure that you are not leaving money on the table with your existing managed service clients. So the managed service industry has been changing quite a lot in the last few years. There have been new security threats that have appeared. For example, ransomware which has exploded in a big way, say… in the last five years.

If you signed up customers to your managed services a few years ago, it’s possible that you were only offering something simple like monitoring and maybe possibly backup. But that has all changed, and you need to be offering cybersecurity as well to keep them protected. The problem is many technicians aren’t salespeople at heart and feel a bit weird about cross selling services. The easiest way to go about this without feeling like a used car salesman is just simply educating them about the dangers of these new threats. And you can do this at a level that is comfortable for you, whether that is sending a print newsletter, an email, making a phone call, whatever.

You can spend say 95% of your time or writing, explaining the problem and use the last 5% with a call-to-action. You got to remember, that they already know and trust you. You can cross-sell this with an additional cybersecurity package, or just renegotiate the seat price of your all-all-encompassing solution. You might feel that you should just add this maybe to your existing solution for free. I mean, it’s your job to just keep everything running right?

The thing is, when you add cybersecurity into the mix, you assume WAY more risk risk to your business and if they get compromised, they are going to be looking at you. EVEN if they aren’t on a cybersecurity package, they are going to assume you are handling it anyways so why not get paid for it?

Get them on a cybersecurity package, and make sure you are being compensated for the additional risk that your business is taking on and you don’t have to feel like you are trying to squeeze a few bucks out of them. Its simply needed these days, and you can their hero that’s always looking out for them so think of which of your existing clients need a cybersecurity package and reach out. You are probably leaving a ton of money on the table.
