Self Employment, Salary Jobs and Job Security - Technibble

Self Employment, Salary Jobs and Job Security

  • 08/20/2006

This is something I have been thinking about for a few months now since Australia has recently changed its employment laws. Who has better job security? someone who is self employed or someone in a salary job?

First of all, Ill tell you what Australias new employment laws mean for those of you non aussies.

“Employers will be given virtual open slather to dismiss workers, cut wages, decimate conditions and remove penalty payments for weekend, night-time and overtime work
Millions of people will no longer have even minimal legal safeguards against unfair dismissal; a business-dominated “Fair Pay Commission” will slash pay rates; and the majority of workers will be left with no choice but to sign so-called “individual” contracts on the employers’ terms.”

People have told me that I work in a risky situation (being self employed) if the market changes or work stops I could find myself out of a job.

Most other people (I think the numbers are 8 out of 9) go though the corporate chain and get a job with an employer. These people will always get paid nearly every workday and it would be considered a “secure job”.

However, with Australia’s recent workplace laws and even in other countries offshoring IT jobs, companies are downsizing like crazy. There is a big chance that they will get dropped and will have to find another job which may not be so easy because jobs are disappearing and there are alot of people looking for work.

Being self employed, the downside is my work isn’t always certain. However, I have the skills to generate a job for myself, I have to do it every week to stay in business and being ‘downsized’ doesn’t really effect me. Salary workers dont have these skills as they get spoon-fed their work from their bosses.

Neither type of employment is a sure thing but I believe that in this day and age the self employed people are safer.
