Windows 8.1 on Domain


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Having a very frustrating issue here. I have a Dell XPS8300 with i7 and 8gb of ram. Recently, I put a SSD in and installed 8.1 professional. The computer runs fine and is very fast. The problem I seem to be having are with the domain. I got the domain connected, and with my administrator username, i have some network drives that map automatically. When i try to open one of my network drives it takes FOREVER!!!!! There are 10 year old XP machines that can load the network drives faster than this!! Any ideas???

Additionally, it took literally 22 hours for Win 8.1 to install.
If you say the computer works fine and isn't the problem you need to break it down. Maybe take if off the domain and check connectivity, i.e. ping, packet loss, network, ports, cables etc. Work up the osi model :)
There isn't anwhere near enough information to say anything definitively, but in my experience most domain issues regarding network access, browsing etc. very often come down to DNS.

Your domain controller must the the only primary (and preferably only) dns server on the network and your clients must use it or they will have serious issues - one of which might be slow network access times. Check this stuff, post more info.
I have a static IP assigned and have our networks DNS servers manually entered in, just like every other machine on our network.
Having a very frustrating issue here. I have a Dell XPS8300 with i7 and 8gb of ram. Recently, I put a SSD in and installed 8.1 professional. The computer runs fine and is very fast. The problem I seem to be having are with the domain. I got the domain connected, and with my administrator username, i have some network drives that map automatically. When i try to open one of my network drives it takes FOREVER!!!!! There are 10 year old XP machines that can load the network drives faster than this!! Any ideas???

Additionally, it took literally 22 hours for Win 8.1 to install.

I'm seeing the last line. 22 hours to install Windows 8.1, especially with those specs?? You sure you don't have a hardware issue going on anywhere?
This sounds like some kind of incompatibility issue. Take it off the domain and see if you can access the server faster. Also try not using static ip and use dhcp and compare what is found automatically to your static info.
Windows 8 and 8.1 has never taken more than 30 minutes for any of my installs. And I've done hundreds. When Microsoft was doing the $50 deal for Windows 8, anyone who brought in a bad HDD, I'd offer it to them. New and old alike. Sounds like you, sir, have a bad ram module or other faulty hardware. Run memtest+ for 5 or more hours.

As far as slow network performance: Have you tried pinging the server? What's the reply time? Do you have reverse lookup setup? What version of Windows Server?
Windows 8 and 8.1 has never taken more than 30 minutes for any of my installs. And I've done hundreds. When Microsoft was doing the $50 deal for Windows 8, anyone who brought in a bad HDD, I'd offer it to them. New and old alike. Sounds like you, sir, have a bad ram module or other faulty hardware. Run memtest+ for 5 or more hours.

As far as slow network performance: Have you tried pinging the server? What's the reply time? Do you have reverse lookup setup? What version of Windows Server?

Agreed. Perhaps a faulty SSD. Win 8 should have been running on that rig in 45 minutes tops.
I haven't seen a ton of these but have seen long installs before with win 8.1. Every time it was one of two things that was the cause. A bad HDD or in this case a SSD or bad memory module. Neither one was ever completely gone but just not in good shape which is worse. Defiantly agree to run memtest+ If you have an extra SSD I even consider replacing it and see if the install takes 30 mins or less so you can get your free pizza.
Problem Solved

Tested SSD and Memory modules. Both fine. Took the SSD out and put it in another rig, works like a charm. Faulty motherboard on the dell 8300 rig is to blame.
How did it take 22 hours to install? were you doing a network install over dialup? If not, in my opinion, there is definitely still a problem with the laptop.