win 8.1 freezes on startup

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After installing window 8.1 on a client laptop i noticed window freezes while booting. I have tried startup repair, it did not work, tried system restore, it still did not work.Now after several forced power down the pc is showing no OS found, how can that be when i just installed windows.
So what should i do now?
Check SMART on SSD. See if any of the attributes indicate something concerning. Most important to pay attention to are Reallocated and Pending Sector counts.

The run a read-only sector verification scan to sort of confirm SMART findings.

If all is well, then something else is wrong.

P.S. None of these are destructive in terms of the data on the drive.
Thread locked for the time being, until the op responds to a post on their intro thread.

As you all know we do not assist end users with their issues directly. The member could be a end user, therefore please do not respond further to any questions they ask, until it's ascertained whether or not they are actually s technician.

I'm keeping my eye on said member.

Thanks all :)
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