Will Xubuntu run resonably?

Xbuntu is lighter than Ubuntu, but you'll want something even lighter for that system. Try DSL or Puppy.
Yeah I've had Puppy Linux and DSL in my collection. I've just been looking to milk the most out of this machine. It runs Windows XP Pro pretty decently so I might just keep that.
I've ran XP on a 433mhz celeron and it wasn't bad at all if it's just an internet machine. I did have 256mb of RAM though. Depending on what you're using it for a light-weight linux variant would make it a much more functional and pleasant machine to use.
I use the computer mainly for Internet browsing on FireFox, instant messaging on Pidgin, and the occasionaly Youtube videos. Google Chrome works great for Youtubing on slow computers. I don't think it's possible for me to install flash with a Linux distro on that computer so I might just stick to XP until I can afford a Mac.