Thoughts on our website

I see these often in my day to day searches, the fonts in these themes are very hard on older eyes. I'm only 47, but I feel that the creators thought it would be helpful, but it is bad for me anyway.I wish the fonts were big and BOLD :)

Looks pretty clean otherwise. Good job
Your call to action "CHECK OUT OF SERVICES" gets them to the page without seeing the business solutions menu. You have a little menu on the left side of the business support page however in my opinion it does not stand out enough and can easily be missed.
Nice clean and professional looking.
Id try and get a phone number on the header. Or some form of call to action. Maybe make the logo a bit bigger.
Looks good though
Very clean! I would make the "Check out our services" button white with black text, because I didn't even see it until I looked at it 3 times. Also, as mentioned by @allstarit add the phone number to the header and under where it says "Give Us A Call." Nice job! :)