Stop freaking whinning about Vista


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New Jersey
Am I the only one that likes Vista?

Heres why I think a lot of people get the perception that XP is faster then Vista.

Compare a laptop say a 1.5ghz cpu with 1gb or ram....well yeah of course XP is perform faster, you'll be running Vista at barely above the recommended hardware(for Premium). The recommended hardware requirements for XP is 300mhz with 128mb or ram. I bet that Vista will perform MUCH better with its recommended requirements then XP will perform with its recommended requirements. Then take that same 300mhz 128mb ram PC and install Windows 2000 on it and it will perform much better then XP could on it. My point is a computer will always perform better on the previous OS. Perhaps theres a point where you can't tell the difference, my computer is a 2ghz AMD x2 with 4gb or ram I had XP with 1.5gb on it before I switched to Vista and I think that Vista might be running slightly faster, perhaps the same....hard to judge.

So why did I upgrade to Vista and buy 2 more gb or ram to run it? Main reason I simply liked the Glass look. But when I started using it I found other features I sleep mode, I can practically turn my computer off and then turn it on and in 2seconds be checking my e-mail.
I hear this all the time. Its the old "your hardware must suck" excuse for why Vista is a slug.

It don't hold water. I have a 2.4 ghz dual core with 4 gigs of RAM, and Vista crawls on it while XP flys. I'm not talking about tweaking or using Nlite either, XP really blows Vista away then.

What I have stated from the start still holds true. Any system that will run Vista at all will be amazing with XP. It will also have fewer issues with software compatibility, and driver issues.

As for glass and the whole aero thing, all this can be done easly with a few third party apps.

PC World mag recently compared XP SP3 to Vista SP1 and found that XP blew Vista out of the water in almost every benchmark. ( I'll post the link when I find it again).

When Vista gets to be even half as good as XP I'll stop whining about it.
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The bottom line is this.....Vista is slower and more of a resource hog then XP.

Just like XP was more then windows 98. As hardware gets faster, the software developed will utilizes it.

Just the nature of computers. Yeah Vista is slow, but so will the next OS.

The thing is that Hardware and software fight for "SUPREME BEING" in a sense. developer's will always try to utilize hardware in their code as best as possible and hardware developers will always try and make the software faster on it. That is why computers are outdated 3 days after yopu take it home.

Technology has grown and is continuing to grow really fast, its like the "snow ball effect"

Just a few years ago we use to say "man a computer is outdated a year after taking it home," then a couple years ago we started saying "man a computer is outdated a few months after getting home," now we say "man this computer is already outdated and its been home for 2 mins."


I am running vista primarily now, I upgraded my machine from a p2.4 hyper thread with 2gig ram to a dual core with 4gig. I tried vista on my old p4 and it was ok but slow here and there. Now I have a dual core and it is better but still some things seem slower then they use to be.

Such as file copying.

I think this has to do with the low level kernel design. Vista was built from scratch to be more "UNIX" like in security and have the low level security that UNIX has always been know for.

I say this because I have been a linux user for a long time. UAC on vista is similar to having to input you su or sudo when doing things on linux, this is a low level security feature for protection. I think this type of security limits some response times when the machine is doing certain actions, file copy or what not. The other thing why I say this is because if you ever use Linux you also know that there is a slight delay when copying files or when you open up the file explorer it takes a moment for the system to actually show you contents of the directory, you also see this with vista now which you did not see on XP.

Just my .2 cents.
On another forum that I visit, there are quite a number of users that Run Vista x64 and say that it runs much better then xp & Vista x32.
I run Vista Business x64 on an AMD 64 x2 4800+ 2.5ghz with 4 gb of ram and i actually don't HATE it. I don't particularly love it, but I've gotten past my early reaction of hate towards Vista. I just sort of accept it. I don't see any marked improvement over XP but I don't see any great degradation over XP either. It's just sorta different.
Some people have said that Vista seems more Mac like and to those people I say use a mac before you utter such ridiculous things again.
"Some people have said that Vista seems more Mac like and to those people I say use a mac before you utter such ridiculous things again."

Could not have said it better. I actually switched To a Mac for my laptop because of Vista.
The last computer I bought came with Vista. It had a 2.01GHz processor and 2GB of memory. I used Vista for about three days before it drove me nuts and I pulled out the hard drive and replaced it with my old hard drive with XP on it.

I have an installation of Vista Home Premium on a virtual machine. I keep it updated and screw around with it every once in a while. Whenever I hear about a Vista tweak or something interesting about Vista I'll just load up the virtual machine and play with it there. That's good enough for me.
In my opinion, the problem with Vista is all of the garbage that's turned on by default....Sidebar, UAC, System Restore, Aero, Indexing, Defender, Superfetch/Readyboost, etc.
I use the classic (Win95 style) start menu, have all of the extras turned off and various other tweaks....Vista runs perfectly fine for me. I do the same thing with XP, just has a little less that I have to disable.
Having said that, Vista runs perfectly fine and I really haven't noticed any speed difference between it and XP with this setup (except boot time...Vista is still a bit slower). I also only run Vista because it was free, I wouldn't have upgraded if I had to pay for it.
Vista is fine

I may not be in the majority, but I like vista. I agree it has somethings I dont like, but as a computer tech, its a stable os. One thing is that I do 4-5 virus removals a day, and guess what, only one vista virus so far!! Ive been running ultimate and business since day one, and the only issue ive had was a driver for a printer that didnt work til the update came out. Matter of fact, when i reformatted my xp machine, i had to load all the drivers myself, on the vista reformat, vista found all the correct drivers for me. The complaints i see beyond file management and some driver issues are just users who cant adjust. I also didnt notice any speed slowdown when i upgraded my laptop to vista either?? All im saying is if you dont like that things have moved around, go back to win98, and if youre still having problems with vista, take it to a tech and fix it, I know I havent seen a vista gripe yet that wasnt easily remedied.

As to the guy with 2.4 dual and 4 gigs of ram, what did you do to your computer?, i have half the ram and a slower dual core and I can run whatever I want with no slowdown or issues.

If you are in this industry and you still cant figure vista out, maybe a career change is in order.
I have a C2D 2.2Ghz, 2GB of RAM and 256MB video card on my laptop. With Vista, there are several games that play poorly or are unplayable, but they work great under XP running the exact same hardware. There is no excuse for an Operating System to suck up so many resources. An operating system is supposed to be a platform on which you operate other programs, but it makes many of those programs unusable. While I like many of the improvements to the user interface, it's not enough to keep using it as my primary OS.
Some reason I like vista,

Built in dvd burner - well I guess I can't say that since I have not been able to get to work properly yet, every time I put a blank dvd in it want to format it right away.

Oh what about the cool new previews, thumbnails, and slideshows etc. for pictures? I like that.

Oh and the Start menu Icon is much better improvement aesthetically.

hmm, I know there are a lot more I like Vista but can't seem to recall them...Will post more later...
hmm, I know there are a lot more I like Vista but can't seem to recall them...Will post more later...

Ability to resize partitions in the OS, much better Media Center than XP, much easier installer/all versions on one disc, better multi-core processor support (SP1..Pre-SP1 still uses the old kernel, so it sucks), better windows update interface...
oh oh oh, you recalled one. Installing sata/raid drives wile installing from the vista dvd now allows you to use a usb drive or dvd/cd disc instead of only a floppy. That is really nice for me.

I just wish you did not have to type in the cd key before getting to the partition manger of the installer, I had troubles once getting the disc to be partitioned right for vista to want to install on it and after rebooting and changing things I always had to type that key again before I would tell if vista was able to even install. It should let you do all these check and ensure vista can install then ask you for the key.
It should let you do all these check and ensure vista can install then ask you for the key.

It does. You don't have to type a key when installing Vista, you just have to select the version you want to install.....then when you activate it online, type in your key and if it matches the version you installed, you're golden.
hmm, every time I have installed vista it always ask for the key, are you saying ou can just skip this part or something without typing it in? I have dvd's from the Microsoft store.
Yes, just skip the cd entry dialog, it'll say something like "Are you sure? Ok, pick which version you want to install" and then you continue like normal.