[REQUEST] .smbdelete Files

Slaters Kustum Machines

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I have a primarily Windows based client with a 2012R2 server for file sharing. One of the Mac users noticed an issue with a file disappearing. It's a .DOCX file. In it's place are two items, one is a folder with the file name and some random characters after and the other is a file labeled .smbdelete and some random characters after it.

There isn't much helpful information available on Google, at least from what I can find. It seems that the .smbdelete files are created when the file is opened on the Mac, but is supposed to automatically disappear and the original file should be there.

Does anyone know why the original is gone and only the two seemingly useless files are there? I'm not worried about this file in particular because I have it in shadow copies, but how do we prevent this from happening again?