Reinstall Win8 after upgrade to 10?

Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 have the old Windows Update engine that requires too much tinkering, I won't support it. Customers that demand it get shown the door, I have better things to do with my life.

Windows 8.1 is an upgrade in the Windows Store, for Windows 8 installs.

Also Windows 8 did use the sticker COA like Windows 7 did, but only in the early days. By the time 8.1 came around, it was all in the BIOS, no more stickers, no more keys. Just like Win10.
Customers that demand it get shown the door, I have better things to do with my life.

Same here. It's one of those work refusal things. I can do it, but I won't, and I explain (very briefly) why I don't install anything except Windows 10 if a machine requires (re)installation of the OS. Windows 8.1 is very nearly dead and anyone intending to stay in the Windows ecosystem needs to be on Windows 10, now if not having done so earlier.

If the client insists, then it's, "I'm sorry, but you'll have to find another technician willing to do that work." End of discussion. They can tech shop until they find one willing and I'm fine with losing that job. I have, on several occasions, had circle-backs because I was the only one to explain why I won't do this work, others flatly refuse and that's that.
Me to Client. "I'm sorry but it appears that I'm not going to be able to support your computer needs to your satisfaction, I suggest that it would be a good idea for you to find a computer tech who can"