Please Review My Website


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San Diego, California
Greetings All,

I have been in business since Feb 2006 and recently updated my website and started a SEO campaign. The site is still a work in progress so some of the pages are still bare and some things are not 100% complete. You'll notice that we have pretty much grouped all "in store" services into 3 categories: $199 for a complete reload/reinstall of the OS, $49 for a single item install, like RAM, hard drive, or a printer, etc, and $99 for anything else that falls in between like a virus removal. Please let me know what you think. Thanks for your insight.
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very informative website. be careful not to use too many confusing tech words just in case the uninitiated residential person wants to visit your site. some sites are too confusing to average shoppers. However, i have never seen a site that list current clients. Very smart!
I just took a quick glance at it, and it looks pretty good. I'd lose the brown on the main page though. Doesn't fit at all. The top box is light grey, then it goes to a more charcoal color in the next one. You could make it the same color, or a bit darker as the charcoal one so it has some continuity.

You could also drop the red boxes below them. It's kind of cluttered and I highly doubt anyone is going to read down that far. You could fit that information somewhere else where it might actually be seen.
very informative website. be careful not to use too many confusing tech words just in case the uninitiated residential person wants to visit your site. some sites are too confusing to average shoppers. However, i have never seen a site that list current clients. Very smart!

Hi supertech365,

Thanks for you comments. I totally agree, what part do you think has too many "tech words"? The main page or the services page? On the main page where we list the three packages we tried our best to use a little tech talk as possible but had a hard time explaining the differences between the 3 packages without using a little bit of geek speak.
I just took a quick glance at it, and it looks pretty good. I'd lose the brown on the main page though. Doesn't fit at all. The top box is light grey, then it goes to a more charcoal color in the next one. You could make it the same color, or a bit darker as the charcoal one so it has some continuity.

You could also drop the red boxes below them. It's kind of cluttered and I highly doubt anyone is going to read down that far. You could fit that information somewhere else where it might actually be seen.

Hi Jory,

Thanks for your insight. On our first revision of the site we called the packages Bronze, Silver, and Gold. I think the brown color your talking about was our color for the bronze package. I kinda had the same thought as you at first, that the color was a little off but I now I am used to it. I'll have to get some more opinions on that.

As far as moving the other boxes that are on the bottom, that might be a good idea. The rest of our site is bare at this point so we might move those boxes to another page. The text at the bottom of the page is really just for the search engine optimization. Currently we rank number 3 on MSN for the term "san diego computer repair". We are working to get top 3 rankings on MSN, Yahoo, and Google.
Very clean looking site. Just enough info... not too much. Can you tell me what sofware you used to design it? Dreamweaver?

Hi tauzin23,

Although I do know how to create a basic website I was never happy with the results. I am great on the tech side of things and could code a site but it just never looked the same as someone who designs a site that has a graphic design background. Since we get a lot a request for web site design I partnered with a company named Anchor Point Design who I think does amazing graphic design and website work. This allows me to focus on what I am best at, computer & network repair and my clients get better looking websites than I could ever make. I am pretty sure they use Dreamweaver and Photoshop for the majority of their work. Thanks for your comments.
Actually, after a second look, i understand the point you made with the structure of the site and the way it flows. Great job, as i haven't seen that style format used often.
Nice. Very Web 2.0 orientated. Google will like you :)

Only criticism I have is your meta-tags suck. You have 3 - San Diego Computer Repair, San Diego Computer Service, San Diego Computer Services. The last 2 words are really duplicates (adding an 's' on the end of one of them makes no difference so in effect you really have only 2). Three keywords I'd add right away are - san diego computer consultants, san diego computer networking, and san diego laptop repair. They are found several times in your anchor tags so I'd use them.
Nice. Very Web 2.0 orientated. Google will like you :)

Only criticism I have is your meta-tags suck. You have 3 - San Diego Computer Repair, San Diego Computer Service, San Diego Computer Services. The last 2 words are really duplicates (adding an 's' on the end of one of them makes no difference so in effect you really have only 2). Three keywords I'd add right away are - san diego computer consultants, san diego computer networking, and san diego laptop repair. They are found several times in your anchor tags so I'd use them.

Hi nonchalant,

Thanks for your feedback. Our current strategy that our SEO company developed is to target 10 keywords on 5 different pages, which works out to two keywords per page. So the home page is "san diego computer repair" and "san diego computer service". We have four other pages for the rest of the keywords you mentioned. For example we have a laptop repair page that we are going to use for "san diego laptop repair" and "laptop repair in san diego".

I'll be sure to let everybody know how things work out. The company that we are using for our SEO has a very good track record for other businesses here in San Diego. We are hoping that we are going to get at least top 10 placement for each keyword on MSN, Yahoo, & Google. We are only 3 weeks into our six month campaign and went from "not in the first 50" to number 3 on MSN for "san diego computer repair". I am very happy with that and hope there is much more to come. I guess only time will tell.
I would be careful with the word 'all' in your description of package one. That could come back to bite you later on...