Need helps for Tools


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Hello everyone,

I was wondering if anyone had a tool to impersonate a user on Windows.

Let me explain, I work as a computer technician and sometimes I receive computers with a problem that occurs very rarely (according to the customer).

What I would like is a tool that simulates the behavior of a standard user; Open Chrome, excel, calculator, etc...

I remember seeing something like that but I can't find it.

I used the do something like this but with an Arduino. It allowed the Arduino to be used as a HID, and you could really write up some interesting scripts.

I also used to own a Ducky from Hak5 but the Arduino (Leonardo) was the cheaper route.

You can also write a script. But I like the Arduino based approach as it's hardware based and doesn't rely on scripts in Windows which can be hit or miss, but rather you script from a HID device which is more user like.
Personally I'd just have them change their password and then they can change it back. There's a reason why these measures are very complex to change. There is a process you can do it via GP but if the machine isn't on a domain it must be done locally so you might just as well change the password.

Can someone explain the NEED for this? What problem is it solving"
Sounds like the OP is looking for a way to test things using the patient's computer account without logging into it. You know how we'll create a new account to see if a problem still exists. But after looking into this i don't think the MS impersonation functions loads the entire user's registry hive, which is what you want.
Personally I'd just have them change their password and then they can change it back.

Which is precisely what I have them do if they do not want to share their existing password with me. In fact, I generally request that they do this, but many clients simply give me their password.

In this business trust is everything, and heaven only knows I couldn't remember most of those passwords (unless I were to have recorded them somewhere) even if I wanted to 15 minutes after the work itself is over.

I never want to "impersonate" any user, I want to be that user when performing diagnostics specific to them.
I can't think of a single customer in 20+ years who refused to give their login details if needed.

Same here. It sometimes frightens me just how much trust people will place in their repair techs without a second thought. But if we don't have access, we can't do our jobs, either.
Vous êtes tous très gentils de vouloir m’aider, mais je crois que j’ai été mal compris.

Cela n’a rien à voir avec un problème de mot de passe ou quoi que ce soit. Je cherche juste un moyen de simuler un utilisateur sur une machine. Agir comme si c’était moi qui ouvrais Chrome, Excel ou autre.

Je travaille sur environ 6 à 10 ordinateurs en même temps. Je n’ai pas toujours le temps de prendre une machine et de la tester pour une utilisation normale.

Je vais vous donner un exemple d’une machine qui est entrée dans l’atelier vendredi dernier. Le client se plaint qu’après une heure, la machine gèle. Je veux voir le problème, mais je n’ai pas le temps de travailler une heure avec la machine. Si je quitte l’ordinateur pour ne rien faire, tout va bien. Test de stress ou quoi que ce soit qui ne plante pas l’ordinateur.

Ce que je cherche, c’est un outil qui simule ce que mon client ferait. Ouvrez Word, tapez quelques mots, ouvrez Excel, faites un budget, ouvrez Chrome, faites des recherches, etc....

Je pourrai regarder tout en faisant autre chose.

Merci à tous.
I'll second @seashore's recommendation (because it's the right answer submitted seconds before I was going to say the same thing) but with a word of warning if you're going to use macros on a client's computer.

Unless the environment is exactly the same at the end of a session as it is at the beginning (the same windows open in the same position, the same documents with the same contents, and so on) there's a good chance that playing back a complex macro more than once will click on the wrong window, delete the wrong file, print 500 copies of your CV to a networked printer, or anything else. In a previous life I spent years working with automated UI testing and some of the results had to be seen to be believed.

You might be better off putting the keyboard and mouse in a closed box with a couple of cats and letting nature take its course.

Edited to add: Also, once you've managed to get the computer to freeze - what's your next step?
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Le client se plaint qu’après une heure, la machine gèle.
Just looking at the big picture for a moment, freezing after a shortish period of intensive use is far more likely to be caused by overheating than by any specific behaviour by the user. You might be overthinking this.

Try first. It could be all you need.
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