My Mothers prized Pet passed away.


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Melbourne, Australia
My mothers prized Corgie passed yesteryday, her name is Rosie [the dog]. I call my mother 'The Queen" as she has always had corgies when I was growing up, she had three at this point. I have an affinity with animals it seems, everytime I goto a clients place. I pat their animals with permission, they are suprised and state wow she never usually has anything to do with strangers.

So Rosie had a gum issue initially, this involved the removal of some teeth and drain the excess blood within the gums. It is called something specific though I cannot recall. She was fine for a week, then it was noticed she was drooling and drowsy and not eating. So she was taken to the vet again, stayed overnight and given meds and taken home the next day. Though again she seemed very drowsy, drooling and noticing blood. So took her too the vet again, got a call that she had liver cancer which was untreatable as her age was fifteen years.

So with deep sadness I visited my mother and we both walked down to the vet together. I stayed to comfort my mother saying her last goodbyes as her beloved Rosie slowly went peacefully.

Sadly as to all living things, death is an unavoidable factor of living.❤️ R.I.P Rosie ❤️

My mothers prized Corgie passed yesteryday, her name is Rosie [the dog]. I call my mother 'The Queen" as she has always had corgies when I was growing up, she had three at this point. I have an affinity with animals it seems, everytime I goto a clients place. I pat their animals with permission, they are suprised and state wow she never usually has anything to do with strangers.

So Rosie had a gum issue initially, this involved the removal of some teeth and drain the excess blood within the gums. It is called something specific though I cannot recall. She was fine for a week, then it was noticed she was drooling and drowsy and not eating. So she was taken to the vet again, stayed overnight and given meds and taken home the next day. Though again she seemed very drowsy, drooling and noticing blood. So took her too the vet again, got a call that she had liver cancer which was untreatable as her age was fifteen years.

So with deep sadness I visited my mother and we both walked down to the vet together. I stayed to comfort my mother saying her last goodbyes as her beloved Rosie slowly went peacefully.

Sadly as to all living things, death is an unavoidable factor of living.❤️ R.I.P Rosie ❤️

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I, too, have an affinity for animals and it breaks my heart to hear this. Rest in peace, little Rosie. ❤️

Was it stomatitis, the issue with the teeth and gums? I had to put down 3 of my cats a few months after they developed it. They stopped eating, even soft food. 😢
Sorry for your loss in the family. Pets are family members, that's for sure, and even when you know you've done right by them in helping them to pass, the void is still immense.
Sorry to hear that Dan. Pets are so precious and give way more than we realise until it's time to say goodbye.
It's then we understand how much love we have for them.

I love Corgi's too. I had a rescue Corgi named "Rufus." He had been badly mistreated and had some medical issues that I got sorted but unfortunately he had kidney and liver failure from years of neglect and bad food.
His final few months after being rescued were the happiest he had ever been.....

I hope Rufus meets Rosie in doggie heaven and they become great friends...
My mothers prized Corgie passed yesteryday, her name is Rosie [the dog]. I call my mother 'The Queen" as she has always had corgies when I was growing up, she had three at this point. I have an affinity with animals it seems, everytime I goto a clients place. I pat their animals with permission, they are suprised and state wow she never usually has anything to do with strangers.

So Rosie had a gum issue initially, this involved the removal of some teeth and drain the excess blood within the gums. It is called something specific though I cannot recall. She was fine for a week, then it was noticed she was drooling and drowsy and not eating. So she was taken to the vet again, stayed overnight and given meds and taken home the next day. Though again she seemed very drowsy, drooling and noticing blood. So took her too the vet again, got a call that she had liver cancer which was untreatable as her age was fifteen years.

So with deep sadness I visited my mother and we both walked down to the vet together. I stayed to comfort my mother saying her last goodbyes as her beloved Rosie slowly went peacefully.

Sadly as to all living things, death is an unavoidable factor of living.❤️ R.I.P Rosie ❤️

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Beautiful dog!
Sorry to hear about it and for your mum too ☹️
Typical vet. They misdiagnose the problem, charge you thousands of dollars, then you bring your pet back and they charge you thousands more, then they finally tell you what the real problem is and say they can't do anything. We can't get away with this in our line of work, so why can vets?

My last pet dog was acting sick so I took her to the vet. The vet told me that she had pancreatitis and recommended taking her home and some meds. I went to pick her up only to find that she was paralyzed. The vet had no explanation. I went nuclear on them, demanding answers from everyone there. Finally an assistant admitted that she had jumped off the examination table when they were giving her the medication and she had broken her back. I was so p*ssed you can't even imagine. They a$$holes even tried to charge me for the "treatment" they'd given her but I absolutely refused to pay. I bring my dog in for a simple problem and you paralyze her, then expect me to pay you? I fricking hate vets. I've never once had a good experience with them, and I've been to half a dozen vets with multiple pets, in multiple states. They're greedy, stupid, money-hungry evil a$$holes. One vet almost killed my dog because she prescribed him an antibiotic in the same class as the antibiotic he was severely allergic to. When I confronted her on it, she admitted to not reading his chart. Like, you can't spend 5 minutes when I'm paying you thousands of dollars? She also refused to refund the money I paid for the antibiotic he was allergic to. It's all about money with these greedy f*cks. At this point I think I'm better off just hoping my pet recovers and if it doesn't, calling out a farm vet to come out and euthanize it. My animals have been hurt by vets way more often than they've been helped (which has literally been never).

I'm sorry for your and your mother's loss. It's a damn shame. I hope you made her last few moments better.
My condolences on your and your mom's loss. We've been through it several times with our Labrador retrievers and it breaks your heart every time. Rosie looks like a real sweetheart. She had a good life, I'm sure, and putting them down is your last act of kindness. Their memory lives on forever in our hearts and we miss them all terribly.
My condolences. My Daughter and her family are dealing with their German Shepherd. After several boughts of diarrhea and vomiting took him to the vet. Found several growths, including one that's cancerous. They've been doing chemo for a couple of months but it doesn't appear to be having a positive effect.

That's the problem with all this advanced health care, human or otherwise. Everyone/everything lives so long that cancer is almost an inevitable outcome.
My mothers prized Corgie passed yesteryday, her name is Rosie [the dog]. I call my mother 'The Queen" as she has always had corgies when I was growing up, she had three at this point. I have an affinity with animals it seems, everytime I goto a clients place. I pat their animals with permission, they are suprised and state wow she never usually has anything to do with strangers.

So Rosie had a gum issue initially, this involved the removal of some teeth and drain the excess blood within the gums. It is called something specific though I cannot recall. She was fine for a week, then it was noticed she was drooling and drowsy and not eating. So she was taken to the vet again, stayed overnight and given meds and taken home the next day. Though again she seemed very drowsy, drooling and noticing blood. So took her too the vet again, got a call that she had liver cancer which was untreatable as her age was fifteen years.

So with deep sadness I visited my mother and we both walked down to the vet together. I stayed to comfort my mother saying her last goodbyes as her beloved Rosie slowly went peacefully.

Sadly as to all living things, death is an unavoidable factor of living.❤️ R.I.P Rosie ❤️

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My family loved corgis, we a three over the years, they are just funny, great companions
Typical vet. They misdiagnose the problem, charge you thousands of dollars, then you bring your pet back and they charge you thousands more, then they finally tell you what the real problem is and say they can't do anything. We can't get away with this in our line of work, so why can vets?

My last pet dog was acting sick so I took her to the vet. The vet told me that she had pancreatitis and recommended taking her home and some meds. I went to pick her up only to find that she was paralyzed. The vet had no explanation. I went nuclear on them, demanding answers from everyone there. Finally an assistant admitted that she had jumped off the examination table when they were giving her the medication and she had broken her back. I was so p*ssed you can't even imagine. They a$$holes even tried to charge me for the "treatment" they'd given her but I absolutely refused to pay. I bring my dog in for a simple problem and you paralyze her, then expect me to pay you? I fricking hate vets. I've never once had a good experience with them, and I've been to half a dozen vets with multiple pets, in multiple states. They're greedy, stupid, money-hungry evil a$$holes. One vet almost killed my dog because she prescribed him an antibiotic in the same class as the antibiotic he was severely allergic to. When I confronted her on it, she admitted to not reading his chart. Like, you can't spend 5 minutes when I'm paying you thousands of dollars? She also refused to refund the money I paid for the antibiotic he was allergic to. It's all about money with these greedy f*cks. At this point I think I'm better off just hoping my pet recovers and if it doesn't, calling out a farm vet to come out and euthanize it. My animals have been hurt by vets way more often than they've been helped (which has literally been never).

I'm sorry for your and your mother's loss. It's a damn shame. I hope you made her last few moments better.
The vet we use are fantastic though, they have an account with my mother noone else does. They refunded the antibiotics money in full, I know whay you mean though. A good vet is very hard to find and one that is not about the money but very empathetic.
My condolences. My Daughter and her family are dealing with their German Shepherd. After several boughts of diarrhea and vomiting took him to the vet. Found several growths, including one that's cancerous. They've been doing chemo for a couple of months but it doesn't appear to be having a positive effect.

That's the problem with all this advanced health care, human or otherwise. Everyone/everything lives so long that cancer is almost an inevitable outcome.
Yes I was bought up with German Shepards and Corgies, lotsa birds and cats. I should have entered the vetinarian field though my emotions would overload me.