My 365 wishlist


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Melbourne, Australia
For the love of God and all things colourful, make the OUTLOOK icon a different damn colour! I am sick of clicking on the word icon by mistake.
MS have every other app a different colour though Word & Outlook are the same arghhh..

I understand they have a W & an O but geez...

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This is another of those design choices that was completely unfathomable to me when it appeared, and it remains so.

Even if the Outlook Icon had remained as is but where the "sheet of paper" had been done in white and gray tones, it would have been immediately obvious which was which.
Right click the icon of choice > Properties > Customize > Change Icon > Select an icon > Apply > Done
More Icons can be found under "browse" (to select one you downloaded from the billions of free ones online or just type moricons.dll into the search window (to the left of "Browse.") to get some funky old style Microsoft ones!

I love the fox btw....
Right click the icon of choice > Properties > Customize > Change Icon > Select an icon > Apply > Done
More Icons can be found under "browse" (to select one you downloaded from the billions of free ones online or just type moricons.dll into the search window (to the left of "Browse.") to get some funky old style Microsoft ones!

I love the fox btw....
I actually went back to old icons when the "new" Outlook kept pushing in...even after uninstalling the "new" Outlook.
I use the older envelope with the guy standing up in the upper left corner surrounded by a halo.
I solve this problem by pinning my Outlook icon next to my browsers, which are always to the far left, then I have the explorer icon as a separator and the right to the right are my normal apps.

Internet icons left of Explorer, normal apps right.

Saves on misclicks.
Yes thanks, though just a little rant about MS and their iconology. I think it's time to go yell at the clouds now, no not Onedrive I do that everyday.
IMO too many website icons are blue. I'm one of those people will a million tabs and go off of icon recognition to find the tab I want. Waaay too many of them are blue, with a good chunk of that being Microsoft stuff, but it's not just Microsoft that's been struck with blue fever.