Mac Studio with M1 Ultra - Good Lord!

I have not yet found something I can’t support using my all Mac ecosystem.

I will say that I think the reason apple users are dumbed down is because they don’t need tons of experience. The systems mostly just work for them. I was troubleshooting a printer the other day for a customer and part of the instructions from the support folks were to go into the registry and make these edits. I feel like end users never should have to do that.
I've found most of what I do isn't supported on Mac:
Gaming. NVIDIA. Drivers/support for NVIDIA.
Doesn't program ESP8266 micros (Some say some workaround.. but why? It's serial for god's sake.)
Doesn't program my ESP32 LoRa modules.
Doesn't work for programming PIC chips (PICKit 3)
Doesn't work to program pretty much any FPGA's including the Artix-7.
Doesn't program Teensy (not easily; HEX files don't compile/work)
Doesn't work with my $600 Ableton Live Push 2 music device
Doesn't work (not full featured only basic MIDI; No knobs or sliders work, only keys) with my Novation Launchkey 49
Doesn't work with either of my $800 Oscilloscopes (Rigol or HP)
Doesn't work with my $1000 Logic 8 Pro Saleae Logic Analyzer
Doesn't work with my 34MP HAYEAR Microscope camera.
Doesn't work with Altium PCB Design Software.
Doesn't work for virtually any Crypto Mining hardware unless it's Web-frontend.
Doesn't work with my ODB automotive diagnostic equipment.
Doesn't work with automotive performance tuning equipment (034 Motorsports)

The Phillips Hue Sync App doesn't work. It just crashes and/or the lighting sync output stops/lights don't respond until Mac is rebooted. Rinse and repeat every 5 minutes if you want to use that (tried on 2015 iMac and 2016 Macbook Pro)

Networking/sharing drives/files on a mainly Windows/Linux network is atrocious on the Mac (Loses connectivity/doesn't see shares. Only systems that consistently have issues are Macs, for me, on my wholly Ubiquiti, UDMPro, 48 Port Switch with Wifi 6 AP's - network...
Mac consistently can't see my Unraid 15-drive server and has problems direct streaming from Plex (But can do web app - but that's lot's of overhead and transcoding - which shouldn't need to occur and which works on everything else I have, otherwise)

As for your printer example... If you're troubleshooting the printer and support tells someone to go edit the registry - that's above and beyond "normal operation". We can agree that most printer users do not and should not have to do that.

But if we juxtapose that with this recent late-February complaint:

There's a Mac user that basically has one option - Uninstall the HP software and reinstall it... and like in that thread, what to do when that doesn't work? Edit a KEX file somewhere? Which one? Any of that documented for editing in the backend? Nope and nope. So, that user is up the creek without a paddle... if he had a "registry" to edit - he might be able to fix his problem. I don't like the Registry and think it's an asinine way to do things - so you won't find me as a registry apologist. Linux got it right, all text files.... and Linux has lots of support and documentation on what to edit for such things as printers. Mac? Virtually non-existent and only rely's on "apps" to clean things up... so you better hope someone wrote an App to fix things.

HP is crap, we can all agree... I have plenty of issues on Mac and Windows trying to get their stupid SMART program/drivers working... the difference being, for me, I've been able to fix all my Windows clients... but a minority (10-20%) - it's just not going to work with anything other than direct Airprint unless they want to factory reset their Mac - I haven't found the solution otherwise for those in the minority.... such as the February complaint I posted above.
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