Gordon Moore Moves on


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Raleigh, NC
Gordon Moore, for those who don't remember or know, was a co-founder of Intel. Before that, after graduating from University he worked with William Shockley, the inventor of the transistor. An item that made all this tech stuff possible. He's also made an observation that became known as Moores Law. Moore's law is the observation that the number of transistors in an integrated circuit doubles about every two years. Of course we're reaching limits on that but the spirit of the concept still applies to advancements.

So many incredible people have graced us with their particular knowledge and (mostly) made the world a better place.
Where would we be without Nikola Tesla,? Gordon Moore of course, or the Aussie team from the CSIRO led by Dr John O'Sullivan who invented WiFi? Dennis Ritchie and many others. And lets not forget "Programmer Kitty" who make computer go beep boop boop!


Admittedly some others - although brilliant scientists themselves - have made the world a scary place (Nuclear weapons, DuPont's chemicals etc) but I guess their contributions created balance and led to more inventions.

*Special shoutout to Thomas Alva Edison who electrocuted dozens of dogs and a few elephants to try to show that his inferior "DC" electrical system was better than Tesla's "Alternating Current."
Edison stole Tesla's (and others) ideas and tried to erase Tesla's name from history.
Edison was an arsehole.