Feedback on website

Fix image links, you got some coming from a subdomain for no reason, got some coming from

Navigation menu is overwhelming, I would remove Our Products, Gaming, Shop, Financing (well thats kind of cool so maybe leave that there or put an image or text some where else letting people know you do that), Extras. I'd probably find a way to move those menu items to Our Services and find a way to shorten the list of Our Services. Logo text is black based on design perhaps white would look better. You'll have to change title for home page for seo.
Fix image links, you got some coming from a subdomain for no reason, got some coming from

Navigation menu is overwhelming, I would remove Our Products, Gaming, Shop, Financing (well thats kind of cool so maybe leave that there or put an image or text some where else letting people know you do that), Extras. I'd probably find a way to move those menu items to Our Services and find a way to shorten the list of Our Services. Logo text is black based on design perhaps white would look better. You'll have to change title for home page for seo.
Thanks! That helps.
I agree that the black text in the logo just doesn't quite fit the feel for the header. I'm also thinking that it could stand to be larger. Is your company Computer PRO Unltd or Computer P R O Unltd? I assume PRO, but the text to the right of the logo looks like it is messed up.
I hate the in-your-face-give-us-your-email-now pop-ups. Not just here but anywhere on the web.. where's the X button? If it takes more than 3 seconds to find it I press back.
header can be a little larger - as in the logo. Make that bigger. let is stand out more. The text at the top could probably be a little bigger too. The colour scheme is nice for the overall site. I'm confused as to your pricing for the Tune-up. More of a personal question but what makes the pricing differ by $8.50?


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