Curious about my thinking here...

That is why it is good to have great business clients. Ones who pay upfront, no questions asked because they have trust in what one does. In regards to my recent business client job, I did a lot of research into the MYOB integration beforehand as was a big stepup. So this comes into the overall cost as well based on consultation. I enjoy building new systems, and as well I know every part gone into it and is easy to where is that motherboard brace.
You don't want the people who would even consider a $300 WalMart laptop. You want to target the people with money.

Think of it in these terms... do poor people get their properties landscaped? Not really.... so most landscapers tend to make
decent money if they do things the right way. Why? Because it's the people who are better off that tend to pay someone thousands
and thousands of dollars year for landscaping work. Most landscapers don't need to land all that many contracts (in terms of a single
worker) to be able to stay busy most of the year. They build their client base up to where it keeps them going full time, and then if
demand starts to creep up they can afford to raise prices or simply take on newer better paying jobs.

That's what you want to do. Find customers with money. Take the good money jobs. Build up that customer base until you have
your income where you want it. You don't need a large stream of contentiously new customers. Just a good base of regulars.

Just get the word out there. Buying a new computer is an option, but buying a ford escort because your ford mustang needs 7K worth of repairs doesn't seem to make a lot of sense. Your left with a lot less of a machine. The analogy gets even worse because for a fair amount of people a new machine means needing to rebuy some software licenses. It means either losing all your data, or paying for transfer. It means setting yourself up to need a new machine within the next year or two after that $300 crapper bites the big one. It means dealing with god awful third world tech support. Suddenly fixing that old "ford mustang" seems like a pretty reasonable path.

thank you! Great advice..