Check out my website?


Reaction score

I was wondering if you guys would be willing to check out my website and tell me what you think.

Im getting a "below average" quality score for landing page experience on a lot of my google adwords keywords and I'm worried about it. I've read that this score is partially based on if the keyword appears on your page and in my case it doesn't because I use images to convey my point. I have of course filled out the alt text.

I'm also worried whether or not im converting as well as I should. At the moment I'm getting all my traffic from google adwords and on average I get one job for every 12 clicks. That's 1/12 conversions per click. But that includes when I get more than one job from a customer which is true in some cases.

Another thing I'm worried about is my ROI on google adwords. ATM I'm recieving around 5x income for the money that I put into adwords. Maybe that's not so bad?

The logo at the top is saying "Supernerd: your saviour in your time of computer-need"

And the commercial with the guy and 4 bullet points is saying:
* Computer help on the spot
* Will drive out to town x and nearby
* Quick response time
* Good service

Then UNDER that, the six blue rectangles are the different services I offer.

Thanks in advance guys //Supernerd
This Forum might give you some information on SEO etc.

My view only, I like the format (very clean). I hate the photo (good looking guy - but he is looking creepy and as if he is floating in a cloud). Sorry if it's you.

I just googled "repair shops" and this is one that I liked the look of. I think that its the colours and the moving pictures that are attracting me. Also the picture of their shop.

Hope this helps